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A YOUNG AEMMA Arryn looked up to the Red Keep with awe. All her life she had been raised alongside her sisters in the Eyrie. Her father never wished for her to leave nor to stray far from his side, being the only remaining reminder he had of her mother, and his late Lady-wife, the Princess Daella Targaryen. Lord Arryn saw his Daella in their daughter with every passing day and he wished to keep her in the solace of the Eyrie forever, but she was a woman and she was now of age. Many had come and asked for her hand, the blood of Old Valyria calling to common folk like moths to a flame. Yet, one offer stood out against them all. An offer had reached the Eyrie from the Prince Baelon Targaryen and his Mother, the Good Queen Alysanne.

The letter read the proposal of a betrothal between Prince Viserys, the eldest son of Prince Baelon and Princess Alyssa, and young Aemma. Given that Viserys was born of two Valyrians— siblings, at that— and that Aemma's own mother was the younger sibling of both Baelon and Alyssa, it made sense to propose a betrothal to unite House Targaryen and House Arryn once again. Lord Arryn could never refuse such an offer, and a letter was sent back in return, agreeing to the proposal. Although, the Queen had also requested that young Aemma come to the Red Keep to meet her future husband ( unaware that she would be wed within the year ). Lord Arryn was hesitant, but it was necessary.

And so, here they stood. Father and daughter outside of the Red Keep, awaiting for their arrival to be announced.

Aemma was still a young girl, her hands trembling by her sides as she looked at all the people walking throughout the Red Keep. Many eyes looked at the young girl and to those who had known Daella, it was as if she were staring back at them.

"Be calm, my sparrow," Lord Rodrik whispered to his beloved daughter. "You are meeting family, after all."

Aemma stared up at her father, his words not providing the comfort that she so desired.

"A family that has not cared to visit," she retorted, making Rodrik think she had been spending too much time with Elys. "Ever since the day of my birth and mother's..." her voice drawled off, filled with pain at the thought of Daella. "They have never bothered to visit even once."

"And for that, we offer our sincerest apologies."

Young Aemma jumped in surprise, turning around to see the towering figure of a man before her. He bore an amused grin, his amethyst eyes shimmering in the sun, his platinum white hair was tied into intricate braids, flowing down his back like a waterfall. He was a handsome man, so handsome that she found it difficult to take her eyes off of the man, almost missing the smaller figure hiding behind him.

"I am Baelon," the Prince crouched down to Aemma's level, his eyes filled with memories of his younger sister as he gazed at her double. "You look just like your mother, little bird."

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