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"The Queen Aemma Arryn hasn't bore you a son— an heir

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"The Queen Aemma Arryn hasn't bore you a son— an heir. She has given you a daughter, a pawn used to strengthen your House, your Reign. She has not accomplished her duty as a wife and, as much as the Realm adores her, you must choose another wife, Your Grace. For the good of the Realm."


LADY AEMMA ARRYN was born to the Princess Daella Targaryen and Lord Rodrik Arryn. Her Mother was the beloved daughter of the Good Queen Alysanne and the Old King Jaehaerys. Daella had been significantly younger when she had been wed to Lord Arryn— she had been six-and-ten name days old, whilst Rodrick had been six-and-thirty name days old. Princess Daella had chosen Lord Arryn to be her husband because she told her Mother, and it was written, "he seemed good and wise, like Father". Daella had been excited to be a step-mother to Lord Arryn's four other daughters, not caring that she was younger than most of them. Her Mother never stopped worrying about her daughter, and fearing that her good heart may be her downfall.

PRINCESS DAELLA WAS wed in a small ceremony in the Sept on Dragonstone. Afterwards, she and Lord Arryn made their way back to the Eyrie, the home of House Arryn. Daella finally got to meet her step-children and whilst she and Rodrik's eldest daughter, Elys Arryn, clashed, Daella became quite fond of the youngest three. Unlike most husbands, Lord Arryn was good and kind towards Daella, even took to calling her, "his precious Princess". Princess Daella sent many letters to her Mother, all written by Amanda Arryn, telling her how happy she was in her new home, with her new children and her husband, which did settle the nerves in Good Queen Alysanne's stomach.

IN 82 AC, a letter arrived to King's Landing from the Eyrie. In her own hand, Daella informed her Mother of her pregnancy, describing how frightened she felt and how much she wished she was by her side. Without hesitation, Alysanne ran to Silverwing and flew to the Eyrie three months before Daella was due to give birth. Yet, Daella had went into labour a fortnight before she was due. Her labour was long and troubled, and Alysanne feared for her daughter's life. And soon enough, Aemma Arryn was born. Daella was able to hold her daughter once before fever began to set in. It continued to worsen until Daella passed at the age of 18, leaving her only child— Aemma Arryn.

YEARS PASSED AND Aemma Arryn was now one-and-ten name days. She was now married to her cousin, Prince Viserys, the son of Princess Alyssa Targaryen and her brother-husband, Prince Baelon Targaryen. There was an age gap between Viserys and Aemma, with the young Arryn being 5 years his younger. Many advised Viserys to not bed his wife until a few years later, allowing her time to mature, but Viserys ignored the advice of the Maesters. He even ignored the advice of his youngest brother, Prince Baelorr, who had been closer to age with Aemma and was known to be very fond of her. It was written that Aemma became pregnant when she was but one-and-ten name days old, and due to this, many of her pregnancies resulted in complications and stillborns. Yet, one pregnancy was successful.

PRINCESS RHAENYRA TARGARYEN was born 97 AC when Aemma was five-and-ten name days old. The Princess was Aemma's pride and joy, her only surviving child, and whilst Viserys adored his daughter, Aemma could say that she loved Rhaenyra more than any could imagine. The little girl was the spitting image of Princess Daella, many had told Aemma, and it only made Aemma cherish Rhaenyra more, holding her close to her heart, wishing that her own Mother had lived long enough to meet her and her granddaughter. Everything was well, until Viserys was named Prince of Dragonstone after the death of his father, Prince Baelon. Everyone began whispering, asking when Aemma would produce an heir for the future King and, whilst she had continued to become pregnant time and time again, it never happened, even when Viserys was crowned King.

THEN AEMMA BECAME pregnant once again. Viserys believed this child to be a boy, his heir. He was overjoyed at the news, unable to notice his wife's  increasingly uncomfortable appearance. Aemma was adamant that this was it, this would be her final pregnancy. She had already given him a daughter whom he adored, and now she will finally give him a son—she was done. Prince Baelorr Targaryen, the youngest brother of Viserys and Daemon, wholeheartedly agreed with her. Well, he would agree with anything Aemma had to say. The young Prince practically worshipped the Arryn woman and the ground she walked on from a young age, and many believed that young Baelorr and Aemma should've been the ones to wed. Yet, they would never say this before the King.

AND THEN THE day came. Aemma had begun her labours, but it was clear that this one would be like her many others—difficult. The Queen pushed and pushed and yet, no babe emerged. She was exhausted, but she was able to see Viserys speaking with Mellos, their Grand Maester. She saw Viserys' expression turn grim and her heart dropped. She had made Baelorr tell her about the... options on if a child never came and she was horrified by his answers; it seemed as if Viserys would sacrifice her for his heir. Aemma screamed as Mellos came over to her with a blade in his hand, but then the doors to her chambers burst open. Prince Baelorr stormed in and brandished his sword— Darkfyre, a blade that had been gifted to Queen Rhaenys Targaryen by King Aegon Targaryen— as held the stunning blade at Mellos' back. The room was filled with a horrified atmosphere, as the King yelled for his brother to step away, but he did not, "I will not allow you to kill my niece's mother for your own selfish desires!" It was then that Aemma screamed as she felt the babe coming. Midwives gathered and helped her, bringing the babe into the world... but the babe took no breath... her son took no breath.

THE SEVEN KINGDOMS mourned the death of the King and Queen's son. It was seen that a distance had come between Viserys and Aemma, with the Queen choosing to stand with Prince Baelorr, Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra, rather than her own husband at the funeral of young Prince Baelon Targaryen. Months went on and whispers filled the King's ears. Aemma refused to be anywhere near him, and she refused to do her duty and give him a male heir. Yet, in an effort to make his wife forgive him, he named their only child, Rhaenyra, heir to the Iron Throne. However, Aemma did not forgive him. It was then that the whispers finally changed Viserys' mind. He decided to divorce Aemma and take another wife who would give him his heir. Many were livid, but none as much as Rhaenyra, Baelorr and Daemon, especially when Viserys announced he was to marry Alicent Hightower, the daughter of his Hand and the closest friend of his own daughter.

AEMMA WAS FREE. She stayed in the Red Keep with her daughter, yet she knew she had to leave at some point. It was then where she started to become closer and closer to Prince Baelorr. When they were but children, Aemma had adored the young Prince, but then she was to wed Viserys and her adoration turned into a distanced love. And now it came back. Knowing that the King would never allow his brother to wed his ex-wife, Baelorr took Aemma to Dragonstone, where they were to be wed in traditional Valyrian customs. Rhaenyra and Daemon were there to witness the act of love, and were more than happy when Viserys found out of Aemma and Baelorr's marriage a few days later, knowing he could do nothing to break a Valyrian marriage. Aemma was happy now. She would be able to watch her daughter grow up, able to have a husband who didn't care for an heir, and was finally at peace from being Queen... but would it stay that way?

House of the Dragon and its characters belong to George R.R. Martin. My oc's belong to me.

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