Chapter 1: Bringer of Judgement.

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Kodiel walked through the streets of New Gomorrah City. It was a city full of evil, crime and injustice.

"This place reeks of sin.", he grunted.

He continued to walk and entered the local church. Father Vincent was preaching.

"For it is written: Seek ye first the kingdom of God. He is saying that we as humans should not be tempted to dwell on human desires like money and lust! We should seek God first so we will inherit his kingdom and eternal life!", he preached to the top of his lungs.

Kodiel walked to the front and stood infront of the preacher.

"Young man. Do you have anything to share with the crowd?", he asked.

"Yes.", he replied. "I've come to bring divine judgement."

"I beg your pardon." Father Vincent said, confused.

He grabbed the preacher's face and threw him across the church to the wall next to the mural of Jesus Christ. The pastor grunted in pain.

"I won't allow such hypocrisy in my father's house.", he scoffed. "You tell everyone to seek the kingdom of God first but you horde all the money to yourself instead of donating it to charity like you said you would. You've been lying to everyone so they can think you're a good person. You use it for your desires."

"W-what are you...talking about?.", the preacher asked, his voice shaking.

Kodiel went to the pulpit and ripped it open. Money flew out into the crowd.

"I don't know how that got there!", the preacher defended himself.

"First lie.", said Kodiel.

"Are you accusing me of theft? It's a crime to accuse someone innocent. I didn't steal it."

"Second lie.", said Kodiel. "This will be your last chance. If you choose to lie again, you will face judgement for your actions.", he declared. "Did you or did you not steal tithe to use it for yourself?"

"I said I didn't. I'm innocent!", Father Vincent cried out.

"Third lie. Now you shall face judgement." he raised his arm, a sword emerging from his hand. The sword gleamed in blue light. Voices could be heard screaming inside the sword. He swung the sword and struck Father Vincent down.

The crowd screamed and ran out of the church. he looked down at the preacher's corpse.

"You brought this upon yourself and now you will face the consequences of your actions." Kodiel declared.

The preacher's soul could be heard screaming inside the sword. It was only the beginning of Kodiel's journey to destroy all sin.

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