How did it end up like this?

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Meguru Bachira being chosen and stolen by the Blue Lock top 3 team was strange,after all Isagi and Nagi are great at football,so what's the point of not choosing Nagi who until then was one of the best on the team?Well,regardless of that Bachira felt surprised,but he needed to go.

-Isagi,I wanted to continue playing with you,but I have to go-He said in a more monotonous tone and without a specific expression

-Bachira!-Isagi said,sad when he noticed who was taken from his team

-But I'm not going to wait for you,if you want me,come steal me,okay?-He continues on his way with Aryu,Tokimitsu and Itoshi Rin,clearly sad but hiding it because he doesn't want to make it obvious that he's depressed

Isagi then swore to himself and his team that he would get Bachira back at all costs and that he would work hard for it, so even if he and Nagi argued he knew that it was important not to hate each other so much at least so they could be a team.

So, with the new team where Bachira is currently...

-Hey! Welcome to our team!-Tokimitsu says to Bachira with his usual anxious expression

-It's very glam to have you on our team!-Aryu smiles,shining as always

(Glam means something alike "sparkly" in portuguese)

-Oh thank you but...Why did you choose me?There were better options,you know that,don't you?-Bachira said,curious looking at his new room with the top 3 team,and soon he saw Rin

-Ah,Rin said we could choose who we wanted and we chose you! You know,you're glam in the passes!-Aryu said

-Ah Rin I get it,so it was more because of who they thought would fit best,it makes sense!-Bachira noticed this fact thinking

It wasn't because of my skill or anything...Apparently I'm not good enough yet!

Rin Itoshi looked angrier than his usual self, so he walked past the three of them and sat on his bed, pretending not to notice anyone.

-I don't make mistakes,you idiots I said you should just choose,I don't care they are all tools for me to defeat him,other than that we will all separate ourselves later!-Rin already stated arrogantly,he is very greedy and selfish,even how perfect to think for Blue Lock

-Oh you are rude,why be so grumpy?That's not glam at all!-Aryu said,going to stylize his hair in the bathroom

-A-Ah!I don't want to irritate Rin-san,I'm going out for training!-He said going out of there

There were only Rin in a bad mood writing something on a small notepad and Bachira putting his things on his bed,it was a deafening and uncomfortable silence,soon our boy tries to break the ice

-Well...What are you writing down there?-He was talking to Rin making small talk-It's something about our future gam-

-There's no need to try to fit in,it's no use with me...-It's already cut thick and cold

-Well,at least we can talk,don't be so grumpy,what is it?-He says with emphasis on the word so

-Uuuugh,don't make me regret this!Tell me what happened?-He says with a sour lemon face to Bachira

-Well...Why did they choose me? I'm sure those two usually consult you about these choices,right?Isagi could be a good choice or Nagi,they both play well!

Soon,a vein stands out on Rin Itoshi's face,it seems that the conversation has affected him,even more so because he is questioning his choice.

-How did you even get to this stage of Blue Lock?!!You should be more confident in your abilities and on top of that be proud of it!-Rin exclaims irritated-And stop pretending you're happy all the time,that's a pain,you know?

-You...-Bachira didn't seem sad,he didn't seem happy,he didn't seem like anything-...Are different...!

For a moment, it seemed like it was just the two of them

-What the hell does that mean?!-He says to him-If you don't like me,just say so,you don't need to call me diff-

-I do not like you?!It's the opposite!You have a monster too, right?-He says cheerful and energetic

-What the fuck?!I,I don't know if I understand?

-You didn't think I was weird or anything when they chose me?-He seems happy and wanting to know more

-No,it's complicated,we chose you because...

Until the next chapter!

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