Chapter 3: Librarian

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Samantha woke up the next day and decided to look around. She wandered through the city, calm and relaxed. The wind silently blew as the petals of the cherry blossom trees. It was so peaceful, people chatting over tea and coffee, their conversations filled the air, she wasn't surprised that people didn't want to leave this limbo.

"Fancy seeing you here." A voice spoke up startling her, she whipped around and spotted the guy from yesterday. He held a bag of books and a coffee as well. The books piqued her interest as she didn't know where she was going and didn't know how to use the electronics yet. "Why i'm just going on a stroll, but if you don't mind me questioning where did you find those books?" she asked as she tried to see the letters on the bag, he chuckled a bit which made Samantha look up at him in confusion to what made him laugh. The man apologized and directed her to a tall building with the sign saying library on it. She thanked him for showing her the way as she walked into the building.

The inside of the building was majestic, it was painted in brown hues and had a shelfs as big as her home. A lady on a cloud greeted Samantha at the door, her long blue hair and beautiful cloak wasn't the type of librarian she's seen before but her elegant name tag made her believe she was from the future. "Hi, How can I help you?" She asked with a sweet smile plastered onto her face, Samantha was lost for words but managed to spill out history books. The kind lady led her to a shelf where all the history books were lined up, they were mostly dark dull hues but a bright pink book caught her attention. Grabbing it she read the cover History Of Plarina was the name of the book "Jackpot" she thought as she went to check the book out she thought about what she might find in this book. 

She headed back to her room, where she felt so out of place. How can someone like her deserve a room like this? It felt nearly impossible, but nonetheless she knew that she should start her search for answers. While she looked through the book, she found a darkside to the place of Plarina, a fallen Queen. The book stated the queen ruled Plarina before Elane took over as new ruler, this queen was casted out into the shadows and no longer seen again.

This raised questions because the queen was no longer talked about throughout the book. As if she could just disappear like that, it didn't add up if Elane only became queen after her downfall. There was no name, no backstory, she simply just disappeared. By the time she got done she was tired so she headed to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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