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 holy shit thank you for 184 readers i didn't really expect that much.

vote for me and read my story.

By accident & betrayal

Y/n's pov

I woke up early in the morning I brushed my teeth and went down mom and dad had not came yet. I grabbed the toasted bread , ate it. Ria came from her room yawning. "Good morning" I greeted her. She glared at me "Go and apologize to Izana today" I sighed in disbelief and nodded. I got up to my room while she ate her breakfast . I put on my shirt and skirt and a sweater over my shirt. I put my hair into one braid went down . Ria was waiting for me. "I'll get the car" She said. "Why are you waiting for me. You never did this before?" I asked . "To apologize to him" She said.


I hopped in after 30min we reached the school. I hopped off and went inside while Ria went to park the car.

I went walked through the hallway and reached my locker opened it I put my books into the locker take what I needed . I saw Neji and Rika talking to each other I got closer to them and greeted.

"Good morning" them and they greeted me back . Yuri and Toya came to us talking to each other. Yuri and Toya greeted me, "Did you apologize to Izana?" Yuri asked me doubtfully.

'it hit me'

My eyes widened and realized I haven't till now I didn't apologize. But after 1st period it will be okay? "After first period" I said as I walked to my class cause minute was left. I entered my class and Yuri, Toya also entered we took our seats and sat down. After 2min Ria and Izana came laughing and talking inside took their seats. Ria looked at me glaring I looked at her confused and turned away. Our home teacher came and started the lesson.

(After 30min)

Soon our first class ended Yuri had class and Ria also. They walked out of the class while Toya came to me to talk. We chatted as we exited the class.

'I am not allowing you to apologize to Izana' Toya thought.

"Y/n" Izana called out me I turned around to see him but Toya was holding my hand tight. "Ria said you wanna talk with me" Izana said with a serious face but his gaze went down to my hand he glared at that thing.

He had irk mark.

I blinked and remembered that I have to talk to him about that THAT thing. I smiled at Toya and released my hand from Toya's grip. "Bye. I will meet you in Lunch break" For second he glared at Izana but turned to me with smile and left. I turned around to see Izana walking away. I walked faster to catch up to him.

'What's his problem'

"Izana" I yelled out he turned around and pulled me to the croner. "Why you were holding hands with Toya?" he asked. I stared at him in disbelief.

'I hate possessive boyfriend'

"we were walking away and he took my hand" I said with smug face.

' I really don't get this guy'

"I really wanna apologize for last night incident" I said with a apology face . "I know you did on purpose" he said.


I sighed and asked "Are you jealous?" I asked smirking. He had a pink tint on his face after I said. " I am not jealous. I don't like others touching what's mine." He said looking into my eyes.

' that made me blush'

"Yeah I could be jealous to if you were always talking with Ria" I said fuming with jealous. "HUH" He asked confused. Shit.

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