We must go to the Rajbhavan, Bapusa must be waiting for us, he nodded. I started walking wordlessly with Bhadra following me silently.

I'm sorry I yelled at you infront of Kritika, Bhadra, I muttered apologetically.

Don't, Simha. Your anger is justified. I should be sorry for keeping it from you. I should've informed you earlier itself. He said guiltily.

It's alright. But don't do that again, I trust in you completely Bhadra and I expect you to be honest with me, not as the commander of my army, but as my best friend, as a brother, i said looking at him.

He nodded guiltily. I will, Simha, i promise. But please, I request you. Keep your cool in the sabha today infront of Arjan. I know how angry you are at him, but please, don't let him get you ..... We can't afford to do anything which might make him act impulsively.

I know, Bhadra. But i cannot guarantee it. I can tolerate my insult, but if he talks I'll about Rajkumari sa..... Even a little hint..... I'll lose it. I'll forget the maryaada of the sabha and trash him, I said angrily. Bhadra didn't argue, he resigned to my ways and walked silently. We reached the Rajbhavan and took our seats, waiting for Bapusa.

I took a seat next to Bhaisa, Bhadra seated behind me. Dhruva and Atharva were seated beside me. Arjan was seated directly infront of me. Looking at him made my blood boil, but I controlled my rage. I'll deal with him later....

Bapusa came in and we all stood up, in his respect. He took his seat at the high pedestal... on the throne. Bapusa....where is Masa, isn't she coming? Bhaisa asked.

No Shourya, we have the tailors coming today, so she's there with Mrunalini, so she won't be coming today. Bapusa replied. Bhaisa nodded.

As the proceedings started, all the Mantri gan came forward and discussed the policies and took certain decisions related to the administration of the kingdom. We took a break for lunch and assembled back there. This time, it was just us, Bapusa....his children, Bhadra and Arjan.

Simha, how is the progress in Gurukul going? Bapusa enquired.

It's going really well, Bapusa. We had been to the Gurukula regularly for more than a month, now we're slowly handing over the administration and the teaching to the Matajis of the Gurukula. Soon we'll be equipped with a set of teachers and students, ready to graduate out of the Gurukula. As you know, we've instructed the panel for the survey and land finalisation and the architecture and design team to get in with their work. And that we'll be gathering for a meet only after Bhaisa's wedding. Bapusa smiled and nodded.

Very good!! I'm extremely proud of all of you!! I nodded and smiled.

We're also working towards getting our own team of elite women soldiers too Bapusa, in a year or two with Mahakal's blessings, they will be ready, I said proudly. Bapusa was about to respond when Arjan interrupted....

Women soldiers? What use are they?! Cannot fight like men do. They'll be liabilities, he scoffed.

My anger towards him came rushing back, Bhadra's words about Rajkumari sa ringing in my ear. I balled my fists, to control my anger.

You under estimate then, Arjan. I'm sure you of all people know the strength of a woman warrior, Bhaisa shot back at Arjan, he smiled eerily at me and stood up and approached the floor, standing in the middle.

That was a lucky miss, Yuvraj. I'm sure now, we don't need women in the army, they're good at home, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the house, he looked at me loathingly and contained, If they are trained too much, they start to think to much of themselves, Bhadra tried to make an aggressive move at him, but I stopped him. I stood up and approached Arjan.

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