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"Maybe this is the thing that everybody calls butterflies..."


It had been 5 days, 6 hours and 17 minutes since seing Miyuki and Takashi couldn't stop thinking about her. I'm so obsessed I started counting the fucking minutes

He always thought about her, every single day. When he went to school he looked out for her, in class he sought for her straight, silky brown hair and anytime he actually saw her she just never seemed to look. And Mitsuya just didn't have the courage to go up to her. 

Peh was the first one to notice the difference it Mitsuya. Normally the boy was very motivated, always studying or sewing and his concentration seemed to last forever. But now the guy was constantly daydreaming, and if anyone stood up, he'd look up in a frantic search for someone. It was like he did a full 360° since last week. What the hell happened?

Peh decided to go and question Mitsuya hoping he'd get some answers. Or he'd find out that Mitsuya was actually kidnapped and this is his doppelganger. 

"Yo Mitsuya, the hell is wrong with you?" The blonde asked. "Ya meet someone that changed you or some bullshit like that?"


Mitsuya turned bright red. Did he really change this much for a girl? So much that Peh noticed? 

Play it cool. If they find out theres only endless teasing from here. Just like with Draken

But sadly it was to late. Peh could see from the lilac eyed boy's reaction that there definitely someone playing a big role in the sudden change. He seemed love struck. Was it a girl?

 He had eventually come to the conclusion that it had to be one of these girls. It was either Yuzuha Shiba, since they were so close, Aiko, the vice president of the sewing club or Miyuki Nakamura, because everbody seemed to have a chrush on the girl.

"Wait lemme guess. Is it Yuzuha?" Peh asked

Only the thought of dating the female Shiba was already enought to make Mitsuya throw up. She was a litteral sister to him and it would just feel like incest

"Eww, gross. Like don't get me wrong but she's more like a sibling than anything else."

"Is it Aiko?"

"Wrong again Peh."

"Then theres only one girl left..."

Please don't say her name, please don't say her name, please-

"Miyuki Nakamura." Peh guessed

At only the mentioning of her name Mitsuya went bright red. Why did Peh have to have some intelligence? 

"Seems I'm correct. Though it isn't like you just to have a chrush on a girl out of nowhere. Does she even know you exist?"

Feeling a little offended but also understanding the statement Peh made her decided to tell Peh the full story. 

"So you drove her home now you're inlove with the girl? Like I know she's pretty but have you heard the gossip surrounding her name?" Peh wasn't trying to hurt the lilac haired boy, but it was better that he heard it now, then get his heart broken later thanks to delusions. 

But Mitsuya just didn't seem to listen. The more he heard the blonde trying to reason with him, the more angered he got. He knew he had absolutely no chance, but the way Peh described Miyuki was just insulting. He made her out to be a gossiping monster, a two faced bitch. And that wasn't the Miyuki he knew and liked. She was a shy but sweet girl, maybe a little out of touch with reality but overall a very compassionate person. And right now his friend was talking about you af if he knew you personally and had spent years with you. And it went on until Takashi just snapped.

✰needles & perfume✰ (a Mitsuya fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now