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The morning was tense for me—even Lisa felt it

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The morning was tense for me—even Lisa felt it. She had little in the way of personal items in the office, but I helped her pack up some awards, books, and a couple shirts she kept on hand for emergencies. I shook my head as I folded one, trailing my finger over the sleeve. All her shirts were custom made, and her initials LM embroidered into the cuffs; a decadent touch only she could carry off. Her items only filled two file boxes. Her office was as impersonal as her condo. Glancing around, I realized it didn’t look any different. No one would notice, unless someone was looking.

A small piece of sculpture caught my eye and I stretched up, grabbing it off the shelf. “Did you want to take this, Lisa?”

She focused her gaze on the sculpture, but before she could reply, her office door flung open and David strode in. He stopped dead, looking at us. Lisa was leaning against her desk, her resignation letter in hand, me standing, holding the sculpture beside an open box. David’s face was like thunder.

“What the fuck is going on here?”

Lisa pushed off her desk, sauntering over to where I stood. She plucked the sculpture from my hand and smirked as she tossed it into the box and fitted the lid on top.

“I think we’re done here, Roseanme. Go to your desk and wait for me.”

I froze in place. The sensation of her fingers drifting down my cheek startled me out of my stupor. “Sweetheart,” she murmured. Her voice was a low hum in my ears. “Go.”

I blinked at her.


What was she doing?

She bent closer, her breath warm on my skin. “I’ll be fine, go to your desk. We’ll leave in a minute.” Her hand wrapped around my waist, pushing me forward.

Completely confounded, I did what she asked. I hadn’t made it more than two feet when David started yelling. He cursed and shouted, reaching out to grab my arm.

Lisa pushed her away, standing between us.

“You don’t touch her, David. Do you understand me?”

“What the fuck! Are you... are you fucking her, Lisa? Are you telling me you’re having an affair with your assistant?”

I held my breath, unsure what would happen next.

“It’s not an affair, David. We’re in love.”

David laughed—a dry, brittle laugh that held no humor. “In love?” he sneered. “You can’t stand her. You’ve been trying to get rid of her for months!”

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