Chapter 2

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(hi,, sorry this chapter took so long. mental health went down the drain then I ended up having to convince someone to not do something BUT I AM HERE NOW yay.)

Gnarpy stood in the elevator for a while, xyr arms crossed while xe tapped xyr foot. The elevator dinged and Wallter finally spoke up again.

"Ah! Well, this is my floor. Goodbye friend!" Wallter waved to Gnarpy before leaving the elevator. Wallter fit himself into a hole in the brick wall and just... became the wall. Gnarpy stared in confusion as the elevator doors shut.

"I will not queztion that." Gnarpy spoke to xemself. "Anyway! I muzt find Poob."

Around 5 more minutes on the elevator and the subway floor. Gnarpy peeked out the elevator door and almost had Pest walk into xem.

"HEY! Watch where you're walking, BEETLE!" Gnarpy stepped back, eyes narrowed at Pest.

[I USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE FOR PEST SPEAKING JAPANESE. Except for stuff like Hello. You know why. Pest will BARELY speak Japanese because of this reason..]

"はぁ? こんにちは、Gnarpy. (Huh? Hello, Gnarpy.)" Pest spoke in a monotone voice, before just walking into the elevator.

"Wait. Izn't Poob zupposed to be here? Where is that intolerable noob when you need to zee them?!" Gnarpy groaned, going back into the corner of the elevator.

"Poob is in their house." Pest answered, to which Gnarpy looked over at Pest.

"Hm! I wouldn't usually say thiz, but... er... thank you? I guezz?" Gnarpy spoke in a sort of hesitant tone. Atleast xe now knew where Poob was.

Gnarpy started waiting for the floor before Pest spoke up again.

"...You know you can buy floors?" Pest told Gnarpy, and Gnarpy looked at him in surprise.

"Hmm? You can..?" Gnarpy asked, a little suspiciously before Pest pointed to a button in the elevator. Gnarpy walked over to the button and pressed it.

"You need 400 coins." Pest spoke up again.

Gnarpy then held xyr hand out to Pest.

"トウは何をしているのですか. (What do you want.)" Pest muttered, and Gnarpy looked at him unamused.

"I don't have 400 coinz. I know you do." Gnarpy spoke in quite an expecting voice.

"no." Pest shook his head, chittering a little.

"Do you want me to zap you to get them? I have 200." Gnarpy held xyr paw out further to Pest expectingly. Xe soon earned a sigh from Pest and 200 coins in xyr hand. "Great."

Gnarpy paid for Poob's apartment and waited until the elevator doors opened. Gnarpy walked inside and checked every room for Poob. There was a cake in the middle of the kitchen. Who knew how long it had been there for. It was there everytime xe saw this floor.

(Holy fucking shit if there wasn't an undo button all this chapter would've been gone. Bless the Wattpad gods.)

Gnarpy then found Poob actually sleeping, Gnarpy stood by the bed for a moment, sort of unsure about how to wake up Poob before xe just tapped them.

Poob got up tiredly. "five mor minuts..." Poob mumbled, before being dragged off the bed in response by Gnarpy. "Huh?! Gnarpy!!" Poob was now a little more awake, as they were being dragged into the elevator.

"Poob, Great! You are azzizting me to tezt out a new invention." Gnarpy explained all while dragging a half-awake Poob to the elevator.

"wuh..? but I didnt say I wuld!" Poob replied and Gnarpy stopped, looking back. Gnarpy sighed dramatically.

"Do you want to?" Gnarpy said after a moment of hesitation with an annoyed voice, and Poob thought.

"yes!" Poob nodded, somehow blowing their party horn right in Gnarpy's ear that Gnarpy didnt even know how they got. Xe swore it was on the side table from where Poob slept.

"GAH! QUIET DOWN, ZORP!" Gnarpy hissed, ears back before continuing to drag Poob to the elevator.

Poob and Gnarpy finally got to the elevator where Poob noticed Pest.

"pest!" Poob called, waving ecstatically.

"こんにちは. (Hello.)" Pest replied with a soft sigh.

"i dont know wat ur saying pest!!" Poob giggled slightly.

"Hm." Gnarpy hummed, rolling xyr eyes and thinking of what floor to do the test on. Perhaps xe could go to Two Stud Camp for a soldier to pick the two of them up? That would be good.

After a short while, the elevator finally stopped on Two Stud Camp.

"Come with me." Gnarpy half-ordered Poob. "If you ztay... juzt here. I muzt call a zoldier." Gnarpy told Poob and Poob nodded excitedly.

Gnarpy walked over to xyr crashed UFO. Luckily, not too much damage was done but it would be extremely dangerous to fly. Gnarpy climbed inside and called a soldier to xyr location and walked back to Poob.

"They will arrive." Gnarpy told Poob, standing next to them.

Around 10 minutes later, a light blue UFO showed up, carefully landing in front of Poob and Gnarpy. A soldier stepped out and bowed to Gnarpy, curiously looking at Poob.

"Who iz thiz, xir?" The soldier curiously asked, sitting down as Poob and Gnarpy also did.

"An acquaintance." Gnarpy replied.

"ooh, r we frends?!" Poob excitedly asked, bouncing their left leg as they sat.

"Aqquaintancez. There'z a difference." Gnarpy replied.

(Hi! Apologies to the person I said chapter 2 Gnarpy and Poob would swap bodies😞 it's gonna be chapter 3 now guys I PROMISE. There's NO WAY it won't be chapter 3.

Also, if you have any advice on helping me write or any corrections,, PLEASE TELL ME!)

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