Chapter 1

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Gnarpy had been working on this invention for ages, xe had so many prototypes and failed tests. After a test on two animals and it not killing the things or turning them into dust, Gnarpy studied their behaviour for a while and soon finding that their minds had actually been swapped.

"Yez! Finally." Gnarpy exclaimed excitedly, picking up the device. "Guh... who would even AGREE to tezting it. Nobody truztz my zeeping inventions!" Gnarpy groaned, placing the device on the table in front of xem and pushing it away in anger, almost having the device fall on the floor but xe grabbed it in time.

Gnarpy had been thinking about people to ask for a while now, and finally decided on the perfect person to ask, hopefully. Poob would be great! Despite how... intolerable they were, Poob would probably be able to listen so the test goes correctly.


Gnarpy's UFO crashed in the forest of Two Stud Camp... again. Gnarpy swore there was some kind of thing knocking xyr UFO down at this point. "Zrgh... great." Gnarpy looked around for the device, praying the device wasn't ruined. Gnarpy let out a breath xe didn't know xe was holding at the sight that the device was okay. Months or years of work ruined over a crash would've really pissed xem off.

Gnarpy stepped outside of the UFO, dusting xemself off and muttering a few alien profanities in anger over xyr messed up fur. Xe snuck over to the elevator and peeked around the corner of the door, just Wallter was in the elevator... Gnarpy sighed, walking in and standing on the opposite corner to Wallter.

"Ah, hello Gnarpy." Wallter greeted Gnarpy with a gentle voice. Gnarpy didn't understand how Wallter could be so calm all the time. Gnarpy just scoffed and didn't answer, checking xyr device for any scratches just in case.

"Oh wow! What's that? It looks... quite complicated." Wallter questioned, looking at the device Gnarpy held curiously. Gnarpy's ears perked up at the mention of xyr device.

"THIZ?" Gnarpy asked proudly, showing off the device in all its glory, actually quite glad someone had asked xem about it. "It'z my.. er... I haven't called it anything. BUT! I am planning to tezt it'z amazingnezz on zomeone!" Gnarpy explained.

"Hm. You sure people will want to test it? Have you even tested it yourself?" Wallter asked, not rudely, but just worried about others wellbeing.

"Of COURZE I have! Do you think im ZTUPID enough to not test it before? I am offended." Gnarpy narrowed xyr eyes, staring up at Wallter with a piercing glare.

"My apologies, friend. I didn't mean to offend you." Wallter quickly corrected himself, waving his hands infront of himself slightly. "I was simply worried you would not take proper precautions before testing on a friend."

"Hm!" Gnarpy narrowed xyr eyes a little more, before turning away. Tapping xyr foot in impatience soon after waiting for the elevator to arrive at the underground subway for Poob to enter.

(Woohoo!! Finally finished this little chapter :33 I suck at writing rude characters... but I swear I'll try!! Anyway, hope you enjoyed I guess.?.?? UHHMM bye)

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