Chapter 2 - Anton, Run!

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Music: 4 Strings of Sweet Home by Gaemi

"Run, Anton!" Binbin yells behind me.

My feet carry me through the forest until everything blurs in my sight.

"Binbin, hurry!" I yell as we push forward through the dark and cold forest.

During the night, Binbin and I escaped the camp but we were caught. Running away from our captors, we try our hardest to get out of their sight but they're just too fast for us.

"Binbin!" I call back to check if he's there but he doesn't respond.

Next thing I know, I hear a thud behind me. Looking back, I see Binbin on the ground.

"We have to go." I say as I walk towards him.

He puts his hand out to push me away. "You have to go, Anton."

"No." I say before taking his hand and pulling him to stand up. "We have to go together."

As he stands, I put his arm around my shoulders to give him support. We run towards wherever we can just to get out of here but we're too slow.

"Stop!" A keeper yells from behind us.

My heart raises as I hear his voice.

"Binbin, you have to help me." I say.

Binbin tries to make another step but he trips and we both fall to the ground. My head hits the hard soil and I feel pain erupting.

"Anton, you have to go." Binbin says as he turns around to face me. "Run!"

"I can't leave you." I say as I try to stand up and grab his hand.

He pushes me away from him and I roll to a distance from him.

"Binbin!" I yell.

"Anton! Run, now!" He yells at me.

I look at him but before I could say anything, hands grab my arms and I'm lifted up to my feet.

"Anton, run." Someone says, the voice familiar.

Looking at the person, it's Moon.

"No, I can't leave Binbin." I say as I try to look back but Moon grabs my chin and lets me face her.

"We don't have time. We will get caught if we stay here." She says.

I look back at Anton and he's looking at me with those eyes again. It's the look he's always given me when it's time to choose what's best for me.

"I'll find you." I say to him, "I promise."

He nods and stands up before running the opposite direction towards the keepers. Moon pulls my hand and we run towards wherever the forest leads us.

"We have to go back for Binbin." I tell moon as we continue on with our trail.

She looks back at me shortly. "We can't go back there or this will be for nothing."

My eyes start to blur and everything is foggy. Hot tears run down my cheeks but I don't let it stop me from my tracks. Binbin was the only friend I had there. When everything felt like a mess, he was the one who lifted me up. We took turns on who would win the fight just so we could eat. More often, he'd let me win because I was thinner than him. When he got sick, I was the one who snuck in the other room to get medicine for him.

We did everything together. Leaving him like this, it breaks my heart that I can't save him when that's all he's ever doing. I will come back for you, Binbin.

I promise.

When it feels like forever, Moon and I end up by a stream of water. Crouching down, we both shove our faces down the cold water. When I feel myself regaining the energy I need, I lift my head up and see her already sitting down with her back against the tree.

"Where do we go now?" I ask as I sit beside her.

"No one will think to help us. What are they supposed to do with a bunch of 15 year olds?"

15. That's right. I forgot about my age. Being in there, it's like I aged too much too soon. My whole body felt too heavy and my mind just clouded with hatred and ways to get out of there. Since the age of 4, I've been neglected by my parents and was given to that god forsaken place. I've never known a day that wasn't filled with fighting and punishment and a repeat of everything. That house that never allowed us to go outside and only let us eat when we were worthy of it. I was always in that dark room because I was the weakest of them all. But, I don't want to be like that anymore. Not now. Not when I need to save Binbin from there.

"Let's keep walking." I tell her. "They'll just assume we'll die somewhere because of hunger."

Nodding, I get up and we head on to another path.

This will not be the end for me. I won't allow them to let me live my life like this.

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