'Schoolwork Help, ONLY!!'

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Ocean has added: Constance, Ricky, Noel, Mischa and Penny- to:
'Schoolwork Help. ONLY!!'

Everyone is online.

(5:25 AM)

'Schoolwork Help. ONLY!!'

Noel: Ocean, what the hell is this? (5:28 AM)

Ocean: A groupchat so when we need help on certain things, school related, we can easily access each other for help! 😁 (5:30 AM)

Noel: I think that's stupid. 😒 (5:31 AM)

Constance: I don't think it's stupid.. :( (5:31 AM)

Ocean: Thank you, Constance! (5:32 AM)

Noel: She only agrees because she's your best friend. (5:34 AM)

Ocean: Not true! She agrees because she knows how to do things properly like me! (5:34 AM)

Mischa: @Ocean  Shut up. (5:36 AM)

Ocean: You can't say things like that on here, Mischa. It is rude! (5:37 AM)

Mischa: Shut up you just woke me up.  (5:39 AM)

Ocean: And I'm glad I did! (5:40 AM)

Ocean: @Everyone  Get dressed if you haven't already! We have school!! And Mischa, dont be late again, we cant risk missing practice! We have the Fall Fair competition in a month! (5:42 AM)

Ocean has went offline. (5:43 AM)

Mischa: She never shuts up, does she? (5:44 AM)

Noel: I wish. (5:44 AM)

Mischa and Noel has went offline. (5:45 AM)

Ricky: ...Are we even gonna use this for school work? (5:46 AM)

Constance: Nope, probably not. (5:46 AM)

Ricky: Thought so. (5:47 AM)

Ricky and Constance has went offline. (5:48 AM)

Penny has went offline, (5:49 AM)

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