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Last chapter for today. Might not be though.

The spirit of the realm is non binary as they don't feel comfortable with being called a girl or boy. They take the form and act like an eight year old child but they are called the spirit of the realm for a reason. They are called the spirit of the realm as they are dead but remembers their past lives causing them to have so much wisdom. In their past they were a witch/wizard which is why they got burned and turn into a child in the process. The spirit of the realm is a god that can control life and death and beyond. They also have the ability to do whatever they want in the cult. The only way to summon them is to cut yourself on your finger and let the blood drip down them they will come and answer whatever you have for them. As they are a child they are reckless but that's only because they are a child. The spirit of the realm goes through depression, anxiety, and child abuse. They have adoptive parents who constantly abuse them which is why they stay in the human realm

I'm done for today so I hope you enjoyed it.
Word count 215.

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