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"I think I just died." Jimmy pants as he followed the group out of the dojo.

"Yeah, me too." Bobby nods.

Everyone had some sort of gesture to show their agreement except Y/N.

Complaining slows you down, makes you weak. Kreese's voice rings through her mind. And so, she didn't. She never complained about training ever since she started when she was very little. She always tried her best and put on a tough face which is another reason why she and Johnny are tied for top student.

"Well the tournament's here in a few months and Kreese wants a clean swipe of the competition." She said, releasing her hair from her ponytail.

After a few more remarks, the guys all got on their bikes and drove off but Y/N stopped Johnny before he could.

"What-" He pauses mid sentence as the girl gently slides his sleeves up, revealing red and purple bruises.

"Oh Johnny..." She sighed

"Don't worry about it, Y/N, its nothing." He pulls it back down.

"Don't even try bullshitting me, Lawrence. It's not nothing." She looks up at him, "Why don't you come over for dinner?  My dad probably misses you by now." She playfully rolled her eyes at that.

"Yeah, sure. Beats another screaming match with Sid." He chuckled but Y/N didn't laugh at the joke. It truly broke her heart to see him getting treated like that. She knew he deserved so much better.

She paused for a moment before speaking, not just because of that sad sentence but because she was still stuck studying his features. The way his hair effortlessly looked perfect, his icey colored  but not cold eyes and the way they gazed down on her. She had done this many times before but this time it was almost like she was caught in a trance.

"Alright then, let's go." She spoke, snapping out of it.

They drover a few minutes away to Y/N's house and parked their bikes on the rack Gianni built for the two of them, seeing as he's been over so much.

"Papa, siamo a casa!!"[Papa, we're home!!] Y/N called out as soon as they got inside. "And I brought you a friend!"

"I'm in the living room!!" The man responded. "Aye, Little Johnny! How ya doing, kid?" He hollered after noticing Johnny's prescence.

"I'm doing just fine." He grinned.

"Dinner's on the kitchen counter, take whatever you guys want or you can order a pizza, just get some food in you."

"You're leaving?" The girl asked.

"Yep." He stood up "I've got a date!" He announced with a proud grin on his face.

"Ooh, Big Gianni's getting back in the game?" Johnny smirked.

"You know it."

"Smoke show?" He joked.

"She's a freaking goddess, dude. I like her a lot." Hearing her dad talk about Julie in complete adoration really made Y/N's  heart happy. "Don't wanna be late, catch you guys later." He grabbed his keys and left.

"You never told me your dad got a girlfriend." Johnny turned to her.

"Never came up," She shrugged, "But she's great."

"So where are we getting food?" 

The two teens both looked at each other with a knowing look, "Golf N Stuff." They said at the same time.

They decided to just take Johnny's car since he live just a few houses down. Y/N tried so hard to think of anything but the way his arm muscles clenched as he steered.

When they got there, they quickly grabbed a small bite to eat and headed to the arcade.

"So, you ready to lose?" She smirked running over to the shooting game.

"That might've just been the funniest thing you ever said, princess." He rolled his eyes as he grabbed the toy gun and got ready to shoot the alien blobs on the screen. A few minutes into the game and Y/N was losing horribly so as a last ditch effort she ran in front of the screen and as Johnny shot her she pretended to fall back due to 'injury'

"You shot me! I'm dead!" She fake cried out.

"Oh no, whatever will we do?" Johnny said in a sarcastic tone, "Don't worry, soldier, I got you." He walked over and picked her up bridal style. And just as she was earlier, he was captivated by her beauty once again.  He cleared his throat and set her down, looking away too fast to notice the pink tint on her cheeks.

"You up for some mini golf?" She asked, trying to avoid any awkwardness.


Seeing as Y/N was painfully terrible at mini golf I took them quite some time to get through some levels. They even had to let people go before them because they were taking too long.

"Shit." She sighed, watching the neon ball go flying into a bush.

"Full offense, princess, but you actually suck ass at this." Johnny snorted from behind her.

"Well if it's so easy then why don't you try, hot shot." She moved out of the way. He took her place and hit it perfectly into the hole.

I hate talking about golf. It always sounds like I'm talking sex. Y/N would say all the time.

"How did you-" She started in disbelief.

"C'mon, it's easy, I'll show you. Just set up for me." She does as told and receives a head shake of disproval  from Johnny "Well, first of all, your stance is wrong." He stood behind her. "You want your hands like this" He ran his hands down her arms, straightening them out, "And your feet like this," He gently kicked her legs closer together, "And then its just a light tap." He directed, once again putting his hands over hers and now swinging them to hit the ball. It was another perfect hole in one.

"What are you, some kinda expert in this?" She laughed tilting her head around to look him in the eye. But when she did, they noticed their proximity. 

Their lips were just barely a few inches apart. Every little bone in her body was telling her to back away but it was as if she physically couldn't. Johnny's heart was pounding, almost jumping out of his chest. Suddenly, Y/N smashed her lips against his and pulled them into a heated kiss. It was as if they were starving since the last  kiss they shared when they were 13 as their tongues danced around each other. After at least a good minute, Y/N pulled away, sharing the same shocked expression Johnny wore.

A few minutes later, they were awkwardly getting into his car, not saying a word. They sat in the parking lot in silence, the soft hum of Live Wire by Mötley Crue from Golf N Stuff's speakers being the only noise heard.

"So...um," The girl tried to start, "That...thing."


"That was just- I mean, that was just a friendly thing right." She spoke, nervously laughing at the end.

"Yeah, completely platonic." He nodded, uncomfortably clearing his throat for what may have been the 2883848288292th time this evening.

Y/N looked at Johnny and he looked back a her. They stared at each other before pouncing on one another once again. Locking their lips, their hands roaming each others' bodies. And you can guess what happened next but let's just say they took it to the back seat.

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