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It and almost been a full week of training Johnny, and today was his first practice. Y/N and to miss it due an unexpected family event up in San Francisco.

It was an excused absence by Kreese and she had her doubts about Johnny who felt "like i'm gonna shit my pants" in his words. But she assured him he would be good enough for Kreese to not kick him out just yet.

So she spent the day having fun with her cousins and eating her weight in her Nonna's food.

She got home around 6:30 in the evening and decided to bike around her neighborhood to get some fresh air after a long car ride back. For once, she felt at peace. No school work to be doing, no chores, no Kreese breathing down her neck to do better, she was having a sweet time.

That is, until it started raining. Y/N fell off her bike because it was so slippery and proceeded to walk her bike home. In the distance, she heard sobbing through the heavy rainfall.

"Hey, kid, you okay?" She squinted as she walked closer to see who it was. "Wait- Johnny? What the hell are you doing here?" Because he gave no response, she held out her hand for him to take and hauled him back to her house.

"Oh, tesoro! Ero così preoccupato per te!" [Oh,darling! I was so worried about you!]Gianni exclaimed cupping Y/N' face with his hands, "It's pouring outside, you're soaked!" He then noticed another kid in his house, "You're Johnny, right? I'll get you guys some towels."

"So what's going on?" Y/N asked Johnny softly as her dad left, sitting down on the couch.

"I- I couldn't do it, Y/N" He sobbed and kept his head down as Y/N put a hand over his shoulder. She was shocked at the contact, she had never done this before and certainly hadn't planned on it. "You-you said I was ready."

"You are."

"Bullshit! They beat the shit outta me! And I'm not talking about Kreese." He toned turned angry.

"Ok, so we'll practice harder, can't have been that bad."

"LOOK AT MY FACE, Y/N!" He stood up. At that moment, Y/N had finally noticed the red, now turning purple bruises, all over his face, Not to mention, his nose gushing with blood.

"Oh my god." She muttered in horror.

"This whole thing was a mistake! I never should've stepped into that dojo!" He ran a hand through his hair. "Ya know, this never would've happened if not for you."

"What?!" She stood up, "You can not possibly be blaming me for this!"

"You're the one who went easy on me! I never would've got in if it weren't for you!!"

"I was doing you a favor! You should be thanking me! I sacked my rep in the face just to give you a chance! You try doing 60 push ups on your knuckles while getting laughed at by everyone around you!"

"You did what?" Gianni asked, coming into the room. They both stopped their argument to glare at him for interrupting. "Oh, uh, here u go." He handed Y/N the towels, "Ran them through the dryer, they're nice and warm. Uh..continue." He jogged out the room.

Y/N handed Johnny the towel, now noticing he was shivering, and took another look at his face, "C'mon," She sighed starting to walk away, "Let's get your shit fixed."

"Tesoro, [Darling]  I took some of your sweats and put them on your bed for Johnny!" Gianni callevd out from the kitchen.

"Ok!" She turned to Johnny who was still standing awkwardly by the couch and grabbed his hand to drag him up the stairs and waiting for him while he changed, "You dry off yet?" Johnny's lips twitched upward a bit. The girl had an accent that made her sound like she was from New Jersey, making her "off" sound like "awf" [kinda like Ralph Macchio's accent]

"Yeah." He swallowed adjusting himself in the new clothes.

"Sit." She ordered, pointing to her bed.He did as asked and took a look around the room.

Jesus, so many karate trophies. He thought.

They sat in silence as Y/N cleaned up all the cuts and bruises in his face with her small med kit she learned to keep. She got injured a lot when she practiced by herself. Even though she won't admit it, she exhausts her self by practicing for hours on her own.

"Ah, that stings." Johnny winced.

"Yeah, it's alcohol based, it's supposed to." She put the wipes down and grabbed a band aid.

"Look, Y/N, I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"It's alright, I get it." She sighed, pressing the band aid onto his cheek. "So what were you doing in the neighborhood?"

"I live here."

"No shit? I've never heard of you till you came in the dojo."

"That's because I just moved in with my asswipe of a step dad."

"Sounds like it sucks."

"Yeah, literally, my mom gives him head, my dad gives her money. She bares him just enough."

"Jesus." Y/N's eyes widened.

"Eh, it's not like it was much better before. My actual dad packed up and left when I was little. I don't even remember him much."

The girl paused and looked at the poor, scared, bruised boy. A little chip of her heart broke off at the sound of his back story. She looked back up at his eyes, sky blue orbs staring back at her chocolate ones.

His eyes flickered to her lips for a hot second. Her body took that as the cue to lean in and close the gap between them. Their lips met for one second. Y/N pulled away in shock.

Y/N had always dreamed of her first kiss being a handsome, muscular, soccer player, not a scrawny little kid with blood and tears all over his face. But for some reason, she kissed him anyway.

"Uhh..." Her eyebrow's furrowed in confusion while her eyes widened in shock.She stood up immediately."Y-You, you should probably get going, huh? It's, uh, it's getting late and the rain..." She opened the pink curtains of her room to check, "Yeah, the rain stopped, non una goccia in vista! Hah." [-not a drop in sight!] She stammered and turned to him.

Johnny was caught staring at that point. He was mesmerized by her.

She's...perfect. He thought, Holy shit, I'm in love.

"Lawrence?" She called once again, seeing as he was staring blankly at her, a stupid smile plastered across his face.

"Wha- yeah?" He was broken out of his trance.

"Let's go." She pointed towards the door and began walking out. The boy, however, was glued to his chair, following her with his eyes instead of his feet.

Perfect, I'm telling you. She's gorgeous, funny, confident, strong, smart...I mean what else could you possibly want? His smile grew.

"Hurry up, blondie!" She yelled. At this point, all she wanted was for him to leave and save her the embarrassment.

He giddily skipped down the staircase.

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