Chapter 10: Ouch

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[Once again my spacing is being weird, just go with it] 

[Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I have no motivation]

[Also I kept spelling Pomfrey wrong to Pomfery, my bad]

I walk around the whole castle, my head is pounding from my hangover. I keep walking though. I'm not going back to my dorm- or Mattheo before I figure this whole thing out. 'We kissed. Fact. But what now? Do we get together? Do we ignore it? Surely I have a say in what happens since I wasn't the one who initiated it. But I didn't deny either. Maybe I should talk about this with him. He's the one with the good ideas.' 

I make my way back but get stuck on the steps. 

I trip as it moves and fall a story down. Thank goodness there was a platform under me, but something snaps.

"AAAAAUUGHHHH" I scream and I can't stop. the pain is so intense I can't tell where it is coming from. "AAAUGH" 

Someone hears me (how can they not I'm being so loud) and starts trying to talk to me. 

My vision blurs but I see red. Whatever happened was very bad. I crouch in a crawling position but the pain has taken all my energy, making me flop to the ground. All I can do is scream and cry. 

My vision become better after the shock leaves and I see a red haired boy with a prefect badge.

 "Calm down! I am telling you to calm down!" The boy says very demandingly. 

Screaming feels better than shutting up though. 

I hear more footsteps running towards me and a woman's voice saying "Mr Weasley stop telling her to calm down -when she clearly can't- and get Madame Pomfery!" Says Madame Hooch. 

"Girl, can you see me? I'm Madame Hooch, not sure if we have met." I look down at my legs and see bone sticking out of my ankle and shin. I just look at her terrified, leting out a gasp.

"Percy Weasley is getting our school healer. Can you tell me your name?"

"A--Amelia." I gasp still trying to calm myself but MY BONE IS STICKING OUT OF MY LEG.

"What is your last name, Amelia?" She gets her Ravenclaw scarf and wraps it around my leg, trying to supress the blood but moving my bones as well.

"AAUUGHHH Malfoyyyaugh." It hurts like nothing ever before. 

A few students have rounded up at the bottom of the stairs. I shield my face with my hood again. One of the Slytherins in my year runs off, but bump into Madam Pomfery in the process. She has a stretcher, but she doesn't come immediately. 

"Now, Amelia I need you to get into a stretcher Madame Pomfery is bringing. Can you do that for me?" Madame Hooch says. I nod franticly just wanting to get on some painkillers.

"Hello there girl, I'm Madame Pomfery. Do you mind if we take you to the hospital wing?" She asks to me. I nod frantically.

"Do I get house points miss?" Percy Weasley asks.

"Stupid boy, you really want me to reward you for not letting someone bleed to death?" Madame Hooch says. Bleed to death? I look around and see the amount of blood. I do feel a lighter sort of feeling. I suddenly can't move. Next I'll go unconscious... I think. Please hurry that part up.

"Boys! Help lift her on here." Hooch yells to the crowd. 2 boys run up and roll me on. Blood is seeping out of the scarf.

"Auughhh." It hurts to move a single muscle. I keep screaming and groaning in protest but they just keep trying to lift me on. Someone drapes a white sheet over my body and the boys who got me on the stretcher lift me up to take me to the hospital wing. But the sheet is already covered in crimson blood. 

[Idk why I added the 'white sheet' thing lol]

"Amelia!!!" A girls voice screams. I still can't move from the blood loss. Which is staining the sheet and stretcher.

"Oh my goodness Amelia what happened??" I see Draco and Pansy running my way.

"Amelia is temporarily unable to move." Pomfery tells the, still walking. One of the boys drops a handle and I get jerked around for a moment. I groan at the movement.

"Amelia what happened to you?" Draco repeats. He leans close to me, touching the sheet and getting blood on his hands, trying to see my face but I'm scrunching my eyes closed to try and stop screaming. 

We reach the hospital wing where Theodore, Blaise and Enzo are waiting. Why is everyone here??

Everyone just stares at the blood.

"I need someone to get some shorts or a dress from Amelia's room." Madame Pomfery says while grabbing potions and a Stanley knife. "Her clothes have blood all over them."

Draco leaves with Theodore to get me some clothes. Madame Pomfery closes the curtain but Pansy ducks in before she does, followed by my other friends.

"What happened to her?" Blaise asks.

"Why is there so much blood?!" Pansy screeches. The boys who brought me here left so Pomfery instructs Enzo and Blaise to put me onto the bed properly.

"AAUUGHH." I shout again as the move my leg onto the bed. They instantly let go and step back. 

Pansy comes forward and grabs a cloth to wipe my head. I must have started to sweat earlier. I start to sob.

"Oh Amelia this is horrible." Pansy says while stroking my hair. Madame Pomfery ushers them out and they listen this time. 

She injects a drug into me and the last thing I remember is her cutting my pants off to find the wound. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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