Chapter 3: This is so stupid...

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WARNING this is where the unnessesary drama starts so it is very cringe. 

Reminder that I wrote this a VERY long time ago and though 'wELl MaYbE i ShOuLd PuBlIsH tHiS'

Back to the story...

At 11pm Mattheo's breathing sounds even so I take that as a sign that he's asleep. I sneak out and find Draco waiting for me on the couch. I practically run to him and fall on him hugging. 

"Woah hey there hi." He says hugging me back.

"Hi" I whisper into his chest.

"Something happen? Who are you sharing a dorm with?" He asks with slight concern in his voice.

"I'm sharing with Mattheo." I whisper.

"Anything wrong with that? He's a good guy."

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course."

"I think I have a little crush on him." I whisper. 

Why do I feel like crying? 

Draco sits there and thinks."Well he is a good guy. Respects girls and teachers. Father would accept him." Draco says trying to help in the only way he knows how: facts. 

"You don't understand. I like him meaning I will blush a lot and he also sleeps shirtless, so I'll look tomato red all the time." I say letting a tear slip. Oh my god why am I crying?????? This is so stupid. 

Draco sits me up and wipes my tear. "I can ask him to put his shirt on maybe?" 

"No, he will know I told you then wonder why it's a problem for me even though I told him it's fine and also wonder why I'm gossiping to my brother about this!!" More tears are coming now and I can't stop them. 

"Hey, hey it's ok... do you want to share with Pansy for tonight? She's in her own room. You can sneak back in before he notices. He's a good sleeper. Once Professor Lupin had to yell at him to wake up."

"Actually that might be good. But don't you feel weird about me sharing with your girlfriend?" I ask. 

"Stop thinking of her as my girlfriend and just as Pansy. She could be your bff if you wanted. She was so excited for you to come so there was a girl she could be friends with." 

"O-ok I'm sorry." He doesn't respond to that but just looks me in the eye then kisses my cheek after wiping my tears away. 

After my face is less red from crying we head over to Pansy's dorm. Draco knocks in a pattern. Probably a code.Pansy opens the door and takes us into her dorm immediately. I survey her room and see she has already completely unpacked and has little novelty stools we can sit on.

"What's up? It's nearly midnight." Pansy says. Her hair is in a messy plat and she is wearing a pajama nightgown that shows off her shoulders and collarbone. 

"I'm sorry it's so late but Amelia doesn't want to sleep in her room tonight and she can't sleep in mine with Blaise there so I thought she could come here." Draco explains. I silently thank him for doing the talking for me.

"Of course you can stay here! We would probably have to sleep in the same bed though-but it's a king single so no worries-and you need to sneak back into your dorm in the morning." Pansy says cutting right to the chase. Probably just wants to go back to sleep. I don't blame her.

"That would be perfect thank you!" I say. Draco leaves, giving Pansy a quick kiss while I sit on her bed. She tells me to just get in and as long as I'm not a restless sleeper nothing will wake her. I have trouble getting to sleep for about 2 hours but then I slowly drift off.

When I wake up I'm clutching Pansy's arm and I quickly let go, noticing that my forehead is wet. I sit up in confusion and Pansy slowly wakes. "Oh that? You started sweating around 2am and held onto my arm. I wasn't sure what to do so I let you hold me." Pansy said. Did I have a nightmare? How did I sleep through it?"Sorry," I say very embarrassed, "I better head back before Mattheo wakes up. Thank you for letting me stay.""My door is always open. If Mattheo does catch you tell him you just wanted a sleepover with me and that I say hi."

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