He has a crush on you

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~He has a crush on you~
His P.O.V

The Once-Ler:

We had been hangout almost everyday for the past 3 months and since your parents kicked you out because you 'broke the house rules' you just moved in with me since I didn't mind. I gave you your own room and bathroom so you could have privacy and stuff. You had already met the Lorax and all the other creatures but they seemed to like you better since you loved the forest and would never hurt it. I noticed every time I was around her I would get figity and I could barely get any words out. I talked to the Lorax about it by he said it might be love! I mean I know I like her but love her!? I don't know maybe "you should tell her " the Lorax said stepping into my room " I can tell your thinking about her" he chuckled "W-what! What are you talking about?" I nervously laughed " you were mumbling her name, idiot" he said flicking me in the head


Once (y/n) became a boxtroll she just wrote her name on her new box. Her name was so different from all of our names. She did help out with building and collecting things which was weird she always brought back the coolest things. "I really like her, I-I mean in a friend way" I said to fish "do you think I sure spend more time with her?" I asked, fish just pushed me in her general direction.

Hiro Hamada:

(Y/n) and I started hanging out after we first met, well more of me following her around until she hung out with me, but you get my point. "Hey Tadashi, you've had a girlfriend before right? How do you tell someone you like them without sounding like a loser?" I asked looking out the window "it's that (y/n) girl, isn't it?" He said smirking and rubbing my head. "No, it's j-just for a friend..." I blushed "What friend then?" He asked raising his eyebrow "I don't know! Just answer the question!" I yelled and blushed harder "write her a letter" he smirked "fine" I sighed.

Tadashi Hamada:

'She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen' I thought to myself as honey lemon walked up "you're thinking about her again " she smirked "N-no I'm not" I stuttered out "then why 're you staring at her "she said from the hall.

Hey sorry Tadashi's is kinda lame I was planning on having my friend write for Tadashi but I made this last minute so... yeah

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