The beginning

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"Why are you helping me?"

Azrif: "Hm, mommy, can I go play at the park across the street?" Azrif asked eagerly waiting for his mother's apporval

Miss Shuhada: "Alright, but be careful"

Azrif (in mind): *Yayy!! i'm so excitedd!!*

Azrif: "Thank you mommyy!!"

Miss Shuhada: "you're welcome my dear"

Azrif was a 9 year old boy with an ugly face without a father, and for those particular reasons, he was constantly getting bullied. He never told his mother though, he didn't want to concern her.

As Azrif arrives at the playground, he sees the person he least wants to see, his bully.

Fariq: "I see you're alone again, Azrif? Seriously, you don't even have any friends. How lonely are you?"

Azrif: "Leave me alone, Fariq."

Fariq: "Why should I? do you have other business to go to? I doubt that."

As Fariq says that last word, Fariq pushes Azrif down to the ground hard. And as he was about to punch Azrif, someone suddenly stops him.

?: "Don't you know hitting people is wrong? That's basic knowledge, even a toddler knows that. Are you dumber than a toddler?"

As the anonymous person said that, it made Fariq extremely angry.

Fariq: "Who do you think you are!? Sticking your nose into someone else's business"

?: "Why? Are you mad? Only the immature can't control their emotions"

Fariq growls and takes a chance to punch the person, but was punched first before he even had a chance to even get close to the person's skin.

Fariq: Waaahhh!! That hurts!! Mommyyy!!!

Fariq runs away with tears in his eyes while calling for his mother. Meanwhile...

?: "Are you okay?"

Azrif: "...Y..Yeah.. I'm alright.."

?: "Good, why would you let him bully you like that? Do you not know how to protect yourself?"

Azrif only stayed quiet.

Azrif: Who are you?

Adam: My name is Adam, and I'm new to this town.

Azrif (in mind): I guess that would make sense as to why I've never seen him before..

Adam: Can you get up?

Adam said as he lent his hand our for Azrif.
Azrif was hesitant to accept his help, but he accepted it anyway.

Adam: Where's your house? I'll accompany you there.

Azrif: Why are you helping me?

Adam: ...It's because i don't want to see anyone experience the same thing I did.

Azrif stopped asking Adam any questions after that.

As they arrived at Azrif's house.

Azrif: Thank you.

Adam: You're welcome.

Azrif: If it's not too much trouble, could we meet again tomorrow?

Adam: Hm, sure why not?

Azrif smiled softly thinking he had made his first friend.

"I hope we can be great friends"

12 years i loved you mostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora