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~1000 years later. 31 October 1981~ 


Two parents lay with no life in their eyes as their bodies were frozen with death's touch. Both trying to protect the children from death. The children will spend their lives wondering why this night had ripped the life they should have had, both orphans sent to live a life that was never meant to be seen at all. The children would not just lose their parents but each other, the only difference is that they will be reunited one day.  


31 July 1991
"You're a wizard Harry," The tall, bearded man said. "I...I can't be a wizard. I'm Harry. Just Harry" the little boy said fear and wonder held in his eyes. 

The man saying, "Well just Harry, have you ever done something you could not explain, something that happened that felt like a dream?" Harry looks at the man and then his aunt and uncle. "NO! He will not be going. When we took him in, we promised ourselves he would not go and be taught parlor trick by some old man" Hagrid marched up to the man and bent the man's gun to the roof making Vernon shoot a hole in the roof. "Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me again" He walked toward the door and turned back to the little boy. "Are you coming Harry" Harry looked around and took a step forward. "We just have to get one more person." Harry looks at him questioning what he has just been told and who else could possibly there be. Hagrid continues saying   "Her name is Lyre Black"  


Lyre Pov 

I sat in my room on July 31st and just finished my chores. My body ached and I knew it was not because of the hours doing labor. I was taken from my thoughts as I heard a knock on my door. "Yes," I say sitting up in a more comfortable position. "Hello Lyre, you have grown" I look to see a tall man with a little boy behind him. I glare at both of  them. "My name is Rubeus Hagrid, I work at a school called Hogwarts, this school is for special children" I looked at both him and the kid that looked my age, special the last time someone said special to me it was to make sure no one adopted me saying I was a special case.  


"This is Harry, he will also be going to Hogwarts with you. Lyre you're a witch" He says "I beg your pardon" I almost shout crossing my arms. "You can do things people in the building can only ever read about in a book," I say "The day someone in this building reads a book is the day I shoot myself" I say back at him. "You have to hide your magic; you won't have to do that at Hogwarts. It's up to you Lyre but we are running late so I and Harry do have to go" He hands me a letter and walks out. 'Miss Black-Targaryen you have been expected into Hogwarts for witchcraft and wizardry your letter needs to be in no later than 31 July and it will start 1 September when the train will leave at 11:00 from platform 9 ¾' I read the letter then looked at the boy who has not moved. "Are you going to leave?" I asked him "Not without you," he said walking over and holding his hand out. I felt myself wince as I took his hand. "don't worry I know" he said looking at the bruises on my wrist. 

"I can't believe how much gold we both have" Harry was practically jumping up and down after our trip in Gringotts. "Hagrid we still need our wands," I say to him. "Oh well then look like we are going on a trip to see Olivander's" he says pointing to the old shop we now were walking towards. "I have been waiting for both of you.  Mr Potter and Miss Black-Targaryen" I frown again the time I heard of being let into the magical world I have heard that name 3 times. It was not my name, but it was directed at me. "Well let's get you both started. Ladies first" he said I was hesitant, but I moved toward him. "Now what's your wand hand" "I ambidextrousness" his eyes look like they lit up. "OH, this is wonderful the last time I had someone who could use both hands was about 50 years" He walked off and started to wander deeper into his shop looking for wand that could be a possible match for me.

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