xlvi ; the yule ball

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"Harry." Cora whispered as we all came to a stop in the center of the room. "Take my waist."


"Take my waist." She said as loud ballroom music blasted from Filch's gramophone atop the old teacher's platform. I quickly grabbed her, and took her other hand as the dance begun. My muscle memory was working overtime for the steps, since I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing. 

I kept my eyes fixed over the heads of the watching people, and very soon many of them too had come onto the dance floor, so that the champions were no longer the center of attention.

"I'm sorry, I'm not really a dancer." I said to Cora as the music became less formal, my eyes drifting over to Jupiter and Diggory every few moments. The floor had become loads more crowded as nearly everyone in the room was now dancing, but if I craned my neck hard enough, they were easy enough to spot. Jupiter stood out in the crowd, her black dress shimmering beautifully off of the icy white dance floor.

"It's alright." Cora smiled. "I wasn't expecting you to be."

Then for what felt like hours of Cora talking, me giving half-minded responses, and watching Diggory make Jupiter laugh and smile, he did something that nearly made me vomit.

He kissed her.

Diggory kissed Jupiter. My Jupiter.

She seemed taken by surprise at first, but then she kissed him back. Her arms relaxed around his shoulders as he pulled her closer by her waist. I felt my hand tighten into a fist as it laid on Cora's side.

"Right after the first task, my mother sent me an owl saying there was going to be a ball and I knew I was going to ask you." Cora said, her words coming more into focus. I struggled to pull my eyes from Jupiter. It was too horrible to look away from. I wanted to make her jealous, I wanted to prove that she wasn't the only thing my world revolves around. (Even if she was.)

I finally looked down at Cora, who was still talking sheepishly like she expected me to bolt from her. I knew she was awfully pretty, and kind. I could see myself fancying Cora, once I ditched my maddening feelings for Jupiter. And besides, Christina told me to make this night good for her. It's a win-win, honestly.

"I reckoned since you barely knew me you weren't going to ask me, so I just thought I'd try my luck. I didn't expect you to say yes-"

Before she could finish, I let my mind go blank and kissed her.

It was a good kiss, there was no doubt about it. Her lips were soft, and she was extremely gentle. I deepened the kiss, placing my hand on her cheek and pulling her closer in a desperate attempt to feel something similar to the spark with Jupiter. 

There could've been something there, if I cared enough, but the overwhelming thought of Jupiter stifled any possible feelings for Cora. Even though Jupiter wasn't someone I could call mine, I still felt like I had a hold on her. But if I couldn't show her she was mine, I would show her that someone else was.



"Hot, isn't it?" Hermione panted as we both broke free from the insanely crowded mosh pit. The music had sped up, and people were jumping up and down like crazy. Cedric and I had been dancing with Hermione and Krum, and both boys went to fetch us a drink.

"It's melting." I sighed, feeling as if I might turn to a puddle on the icy floor.

"I- wait... no..." Hermione muttered, her eyes darting over to a table across the room. "Is that Ron and Christina Farraway?"

Jupiter | Harry James PotterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora