"It's ok Floyd." He turned to the others. "Come on, let's select out boards and get into the water."

Bruce led the trolls to where the surfboards were. "OK now first thing we do is select our boards."

John dory detected a teal board, viva selected a pink surfboard with daisies on it. Poppy selected a pink surfboard with hearts on it, clay selected a yellow surfboard with Green swirls on it,branch selected a blue surfboard, and Floyd selected a magenta surfboard.

Bruce selected his surfboard and led them to the water.

"OK now we can go into the water and climb onto our boards." Bruce said as he got into the water and climbed onto the board.

One by one, each troll got onto the board and climbed on. Floyd tried to stay calm and not hyperventilate. He closed his eyes rather tightly.

"Floyd, Floyd it's ok relax look. You are perfectly safe." Bruce said as he paddled next to floyd. Floyd opened one eye and saw he was on his board he smiled nervously this part wasn't so scary.

"OK no imm going to go with each of you out there and ride a wave with you. If you fall or wipe out. It's ok. Don't feel bad. I've Fallen dozens of times. It's your first time on a board. Poppy you're up first."

"OK floyd your turn."

Floyd looked out at the water he saw the waves and gulped he backed up. No way could he do this. He was going to fall. "Can't I try tomorrow?" He asked softly.

"Come on floyd. You can do this." Viva said

Floyd gulped nervously. And paddled out as soon as the wave started to form he heard bruce say. "You're doing fine floyd now stand up and valance yourself."

To his surprise Floyd found he was doing it. He was surfing; this wasn't so terrifying after all why had he been so afraid.

"Floyd watch out you're heading the wrong way!" His brothers yell caught Floyd's attention and Floyd wobbled waving his arms trying to keep his Ballenger he slipped and fell off into the water. Bruce dove after Floyd and helped him back onto his board.

Floyd clung to the board shaking.

"It's ok Floyd it's ok you're safe now... floyd? Floyd where you going?" Bruce asked shocked to see Floyd paddling back to shore where he got off panting and shaking.

John dory was the first by by his little brother's side.

"Floyd oh my gosh are you alright?"

Rhonda who had woken up from her nap and seen the entire thing ran to floyd and nuzzled him

Bruce reached shore. "Floyd. It's ok. We can stop fir a bit and after you're calmer we can try again...."

Floyd shook his head. "I'm not ever going out on that board bruce."

"What? But Floyd you were doing great, you just made a small mistake. It's normal. I've made that mistake before best thing to do is try again after you...."

"I'M NOT GOING OUT THERE BRUCE!" Floyd cried. "I knew I was going to fall off bruce. I just want this day to be over!" Floyd cried before he ran off towards the jungle.

"Floyd wait!" Bruce cried out he followed Floyd but stopped when he came to the jungle. He looked down sadly and went back to where Floyd's board was. Maybe trying to get floyd to surf wasn't the smartest idea. He sighed. "I have to go back and make sure Brandy and the kids are alright." He mumbled as he walked off.

Poppy Looked at the jungle. "We gotta go after floyd." She said

"I'll go," John Dory said. "You guys wait here." He whistled and rhonda came up to him and followed him into the jungle.

The Return of velvet.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ