Part 2

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Contrary to what Ned had thought, Lyra and Alarra were having fun and not missing their siblings at all.

2 months after they had left Winterfell, they had reached Braavos and toured the entire place.

They had stayed in a small cottage, having taken up work in a small food stall to earn money. They were paid well, and Lyra learned to fight from Alarra.

They also did some delivery jobs.

" this was the last one " Lyra huffed as she walked along with Tiamat, Ghost and Alarra.

" Not nearly as exhausting as the delivery to that Myrish trader, was it ? " Alarra was amused.

Lyra laughed " the cunt forgot which box he ordered.... abyss, he made us run back and forth ".

They were passing by the Iron Bank and soon came across 2 figures that stood outside it. Alarra knew the Valyrian looking kids and realized who they were, with shock.

" I am the blood of the Dragon and you will regret the day you dared to oust me ! " Viserys Targaryen raged while his sister Daenerys flinched in terror.

" Are they ?.... " Lyra trailed off in disbelief.

" They are " Alarra confirmed the 2 Valyrians' identities.

She had read that the Targaryen children wandered from place to place, begging to survive. Viserys' shitty attitude didn't help them last long, but Alarra felt bad for him as he had to sell his mother's crown and Rhaella was a good person where Aerys was a full-blown whacko. She already knew that Rhaegar's fuckery doomed House Targaryen and forced the kids into this situation but Alarra often wondered if the madness was already present in Viserys or his damned idiot father already was making him into a mini-me..... well, his damned idiot father was also sane at one point before being forcefully wedded to his sister by his own shit headed screw up for parents. Jaehaerys II and his idiot sister wife were the epitome of stupidity and the reason Aegon the unlikely's laws to help common folk were never truly enforced and Tywin took them off so easily..... because those incestuous fucks couldn't keep their hands off each other.

However, when Alarra looked at Daenerys, all of her past hatred and disgust for the girl dissipated upon looking at her.

The girl was only 13 and yet barely taller than 11 year old Lyra, with slightly sunken cheeks and eyes that reflected a lifetime of pain. She wore a brown worn woolen dress.

" this is all your fault !! " 18 year old Viserys slapped his sister and she fell to the ground with a pained scream.

Lyra was shocked and her Direwolf tensed, ready to attack. She pulled at Alarra's hand " sis, he's beating her !. We have to do something ! ".

" but I didn't do anything!!! " Daenerys cried.

" Exactly ! " Viserys kicked her in the stomach " you didn't do anything !. If only you were born earlier, Rhaegar would have married you!!!, and he wouldn't take that Wolf whore !!!, but you ruin everything !!! ".

" Then you should have been born a girl ! " Daenerys snapped until she paled " I'm sorry, big brother ! ".

" Now you have woken the Dragon ! " Viserys growled and took out his belt, but before he could do anything.

Alarra came behind him and slit his throat with her hidden blade as she said " I'm sorry ".

Daenerys watched in shock as Viserys fell down. He gurgled on his blood as his throat started bleeding, until he ceased to move.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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