Chapter 21

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In the halls of the JYP Entertainment building, Stray Kids found themselves brooding not out of weariness or fatigue, but due to the absence of Y/N by their side. Her presence was a source of joy and comfort, and her absence weighed heavily upon them, casting a shadow of discontent and unrest.

Hyunjin had urgently summoned his sister, Ryujin, to assist in the search for the missing Luna. However, her return remained elusive, and Hyunjin's anxiety and impatience began to escalate.

A young female staff member walked in with their top makeup artist, and she sighed before addressing the boys. "Cheer up a bit; you can still work even though you're one member short. You managed that quite effectively long before Y/N joined. Why can't you do it now?" Her tone was crisp as Chan looked up, and the omega bristled slightly at the dark gaze in the alpha's eyes. "Mind your own business," he snapped before turning back to comfort I.N, who was softly sniffling, trying to suppress his tears.

The older makeup artist sighed, grasped her friend's hand, and gently pulled her away before calling over her shoulder, "I apologize for Lee's absence, but she is correct. Let us proceed with our work." And in a swift movement, they disappeared around the next corner.

"Would they just cease their chatter," hissed Seungmin, and his brother glanced at him inquisitively. "What has you so agitated?" Changbin asked, his tone light with a hint of teasing, although his heart, too, was pained by the lack of empathy from those foolish staff members towards their suffering idols.

Chan sighed, then clasped I.N's shoulder, prompting the younger to stand up and rub his tired eyes and stuffy nose. "Their words hold truth; we cannot linger at this juncture. Y/n would have desired for us to continue with our work," he said, rising to his feet as well. The remaining members of the group exchanged glances before nodding resolutely and followed their leader out of the hallway and towards the recording room, for if there was anything that could uplift their spirits, it was immersing themselves in the creation of music.

Their producer nodded at them as they entered. "About time," he said before pointing towards Felix. The blue-haired alpha perked up, "You go in first, here's the phrase you're going to sing." He handed Felix a slip of paper, who took it and stepped into the recording booth. Both brothers heard the music flowing through their headphones as Felix began to sing.

 After a few days of absence, Ryujin finally returned.

The young beta was panting, a light scratch trailing from her shoulder to her fingers. "Forgive my tardiness, but your Y/N is elusive when she wishes to remain concealed," she explained before wiping away the blood and accepting a cup of water that Chan handed her once they were back in the dormitory.

"Did you locate her?" In queried, his brown eyes sparkling slightly as he roused from a nap in Hyunjin's lap. "Yes, I did," Ryunji confirmed before sighing and sitting down. She nodded at her brother who came over to give her a massage. "I found her and I also encountered Hongjoong, you know, ATEEZ's alpha. He seemed rather agitated and for once, I feared he might attack me," she let out a dry laugh as Chan and Lee Know exchanged a glance. "But did he actually?" Lee Know inquired.

She nodded and lightly tapped her wound, which had ceased bleeding but still appeared inflamed and crimson.

"That fool believed he needed to protect Y/n from me, but I wasn't even there to cause her harm! He was not in his right mind, and what I gathered, his pack had disbanded," she explained. Ryunji sighed and leaned back, her brother gently running his long fingers through her crimson hair. "But seriously, what did you do to ATEEZ to provoke such ire?"

The boys shared a nervous look, and Chan hesitantly nibbled on his lip. "We, um, we may have taken Y/n from them," he admitted. Ryunji sat up straight and directed a fierce glare at the pack alpha, who slunk slightly. Ryunjin was younger than him, but she carried herself with a regal air, indicating both formidable power and a strong sense of authority.

"You are foolish, the lot of you," she berated before swatting Hyunjin's hand away from her. "No, why do I even collaborate with you?" she growled, her beta's eyes flashing. "I cannot." She then slipped out before they could stop her, but she paused at the door. "You have to find Y/n yourselves. Just don't entangle poor ATEEZ anymore. You've already taken their hearts away from them. Don't destroy them further than you already have." And with that, she was gone.


A hissing sound whispered through the air, and a rabbit cocked its head to listen. After a moment, it hopped back to its cherished spot where the frosted dandelions grew, nibbling eagerly on the tough stems. But its peaceful repast was abruptly shattered by a CRACK that rent the air, and the rich scent of coppery blood invaded the space. A majestic, winged wolf, its coat as shadowy as the night sky, landed with a thud, droplets of red cascading from its maw. With ruthless efficiency, it tore the rabbit asunder, a grim reminder of the savage ballet that unfolded beneath the moon's silent vigil.

After a while, she looked up and licked around her mouth before she made her way to the now blood-stained dandelions that bowed under her heavy breath. With a rumbling "hmm," she plucked one and laid it atop the remains of the rabbit before padding away towards a mighty oak that towered above all others in the forest. It stood upon a bare shelf of rock in the clearing, surrounded by a few brave lilies that blossomed amidst the shadows. Yet every flower there was nurtured by blood when the she-wolf arrived and settled herself beneath the oak's expansive branches.

A wolf emerged onto the path and bowed its head in respect. "You hunt with greater speed than ever, my lady," it said, its brown-gray wings stirring the air with a gentle whoosh. The wolf swished her tail, a gesture of satisfaction. "Yes, I do have fine helpers. You, Eve, drove the rabbit out into this open landscape, and I claimed it. Thank you." Her voice was a low murmur of gratitude. Eve gave a modest hoot and puffed up her feathers proudly, "I shall inform Queen Nyra that you have found a place in the deep forest," she declared, before spreading her wings wide and soaring gracefully into the sky, carried by the wind and the promise of adventures yet to come.

Y/n smiled and rested his head on his paws, watching as the sun lifted itself from its slumbering cradle, the moon retiring to rest. As dawn's chorus began, a pair of deer ventured across the barren ground. They were oblivious to the great white wolf lying beneath the oak, some even grazing on the sparse grass daring to grow there. Y/n's eyes, a brilliant fusion of blue and gold, occasionally sparked with an inner fire, but he made no move to chase them, and soon the deer meandered away from the rocky outcrop.

The forest was tranquil, yet Y/n felt the beckoning of his pack calling out to him. But he knew, deep in his heart, that the "Stray Kids" would fare better without him than with him. There was a certain sadness to this realization, a heavy weight upon his steadfast shoulders. Yet he also knew the wilds were sometimes less about belonging and more about understanding where one truly needed to be. With a quiet sigh, Y/n gazed into the forest depths, the realm of shadows and whispers, and turned his back on the call, choosing a path lit only by the courage of his own convictions.

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