Chapter 14: Dial M for Merger

Start from the beginning

(Ezekiel): What do we do?! Are we going to die?!


The scene pans to outside showing Eva she was hit with a dart. Eva turned glaring.

(Eva): That all you got?!

The attacker responded by shooting another 15 darts into her which finally took her down.



Harold Confessional

(Harold): I always thought that the producer's were mean, but now I think they're actually trying to kill us.

Unkowingly behind him a hand came into frame and that hand had a club.

(Harold): It's a conspiracy I tell you, to try and-

Before he could finish the person hit him with the club



Kai and Ezekiel were covering up the door with pillows, tables, and other things they could find. Justin looked around noticing they were missing someone and looked concerned.

(Justin): Hey where's Harold?

(Gwen): Are we all going to die?!

Kai walks over and placed a hand on her shoulders trying to comfort her

(Kai): Gwen listen to me. Everything will be alright.

Gwen smiled at his attempt to calm her down. 

(Justin): Everyone, it'll be alright. Just look at my beautiful face!

Justin poses with a smile. Izzy walked past him.

(Izzy): I never got the hype. I don't think your so cute.

Justin looked at her in disbelief. Suddenly something is thrown through the window. Justin picked it up.

(Justin): What's this thing?

Justin dangeled it between two fingers, it looked like a capsule. Noah widens his eyes.

(Noah): Throw it away!

Everyone looked at Noah surprised by his outburst

(Noah): Its-

The capsule bursts causing the trailer to be filled with pink smoke. Everyone felt drowsy.

(Noah): Sleeping... Gas...

He and everyone else collapsed.


The campers groaned as they woke up. Kai was quick to take in his surroundings. They are in a cave. Katie was on top of Justin and as she moved her elbow accidently hit him in the eye, he yells in pain.

(Justin): Ow! My eye! My beautiful, uninsured eye!

Katie gasps as she tries to look at the eye.

(Katie): Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?

Justin shoves her hand away and covers his face.

(Justin): Don't look at me! I bruise easier than a clingstone peach! Must prevent swelling.

He ran off trying to find ice or something frozen. He desperately looks around the cave.

(Justin): I need ice! Ice?!

He pulls out a mirror and begins to cry.

(Justin): I am a hideous beast! Nobody will ever hire me now and my modeling career is over! I'll have to go work in the circus as a... As one of those... Circus freaks!

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