Cycle ???? (Endless pain)

9 0 0

*SFOW keeps falling with his hands over his face*

SFOW: ...

???: I'm sorry

SFOW: ...

???: The tenth symbol is just a mean iterator like always

SFOW: ...

???: look you're kind shes not

SFOW: ...

???: Why won't you respond?

SFOW: ...

???: *sigh* look at where you are, nowhere just a empty void

SFOW: ...

???: There's nothing

SFOW: ...

???: Nothing left...

SFOW: ...

???: Seven feathers of wings...

SFOW: ...

???: Seven feathers of wings... 

*SFOW uncovers his eyes after seeing a glow*

*SFOW uncovers his eyes after seeing a glow*

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SFOW: You... you created... you created... I- You...created...

*SFOW shakes as the rot is taking over his body*

SFOW: You... created... created...You... you created... you... created... I- you...created...

???: I created you! 

*SFOW tears up, as the rot goes through his mind*

SFOW: Thank you...For everything...

For everything

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