Barb's Letter/The Story of the Six Strings

Comenzar desde el principio

"Guys, this is Trollex, King of the Techno Trolls. Trollex, these are my friends Branch and Poppy, Queen of the Pop Trolls" Ruby introduced the three and just before Trollex could say anything the group was suddenly alarmed by someone screaming for help.

"Ah! Poppy, help! Poppy!"

"Biggie?!" Poppy and Ruby both looked at each other before rushing back to Pop village with Branch, Trollex and Beatdrop following them from behind. The group made it to Pop village and saw that Biggie was being chased by a bat to which Ruby recognized the bat as Debbie, Barb's pet. Coral Blush cried in fear seeing the bat, making Trollex quickly comfort the baby Techno Troll as he was still in the King's arms. "Help! I'm being harangued by a monster! Someone stop it!" Biggie exclaims as Debbie keeps attempting to bite him and Ruby was about to summon her staff when Poppy uses her hair to grab Debbie and pulls her back. "Gotcha!" Poppy said before Debbie starts squirming around in Poppy's hair, causing her to freak out, "Ah! It's in my hair! It's in my hair! Get it out, get it out, get it out!".

 "Gotcha!" Poppy said before Debbie starts squirming around in Poppy's hair, causing her to freak out, "Ah! It's in my hair! It's in my hair! Get it out, get it out, get it out!"

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Branch lets out a yell and tackles Debbie out of Poppy's hair and pinned her to the ground as this surprised Beatdrop and Trollex. "Shh, shh. There you go. There you go. Calm down. Who's a good boy?" Branch soothes Debbie by rubbing her eyes and wings to calm her down while Ruby walks over to Branch and Debbie. "What is that thing?" Legsly asked. "It's creepy" Cooper said. "It's scary" the fashion twins said in unison. "And nasty~" Guy diamond says in an auto-tuned voice. "Hold me, Daddy" Tiny says and Guy diamond held his son. "First of all, Branch it's a girl and second... She's cute!" Ruby says while picking up Debbie and holds her close and everyone looks at her as if she's crazy.

"What?" Ruby asked in confusion and then Beatdrop whispered to Trollex with amusement in his voice "Nice choose on picking your first love" and this made Trollex stiff with a small blush before he glared at Beatdrop, who smirked. Then everyone noticed a black rolled up paper that the bat had with her and Poppy went over to it and picked it up and read out loud, "To Queen Poppy".

This made the Trolls gasp while getting nervous but Poppy reassured everyone "Oh, don't worry, everyone. It looks like it's just an invitation" and this made the Trolls sigh in relief and Legsly repeats "Just an invitation" and while Cooper says "I love invitations" and then Poppy clears her throat while unrolling the rolled up paper and reads out loud to everyone "Barb, the Queen of Rock, announces her 'One Nation Under Rock' World Tour. Bring your string to the biggest party the world has ever seen" and after Poppy finished reading the paper, Trollex and Beatdrop both stiffed as they got nervous while Coral Blush whimpered quietly and Ruby's eyes widened at this.

"Queen of Rock?" Poppy questioned in confusion before former King Peppy appeared out of nowhere and snatched the letter from Poppy. "It's Nothing! It Means Nothing At All! It's Just Junk Mail! You Don't Need To Worry About It! I Mean, Quit Lookin' At It, Everyone! Forget What You Saw!" former King Peppy exclaimed as he stomps on it before chewing it, surprising and shocking Trollex and Beatdrop. Branch then lets out another yell and tackles the former King of Pop and calms him down like he did with Debbie as Branch rubbed former King Peppy's eyes and twirled his mustache while saying "There you go. There you go. Calm down. Calm down. There you go".

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