He pulled the blankets over her—maneuvering her body softly enough not to wake her—and tucked her in.

He sat up, cracked his back, and sighed.

He moved to the kitchen—keeping the bedroom door open to keep an eye on her—and searched through the cabinet for something for her to eat when she woke up.

When he found nothing of interest in the cabinet, he checked the fridge only to find a half carton of milk and a bag of grapes.

It's times like this that he wishes he wasn't given immortality.

He moved away and closed the fridge door.

He moved backwards towards the couch and limply fell onto the couch.

He sighed and glanced towards his bedroom. He would have to get food after she woke up.

He glanced at the clock on the wall and hummed. She would probably be asleep for a while, and it was early enough that the store probably wasn't closing yet.

He glanced at his bedroom again before pulling himself up and grabbed his overcoat.

So, what if he was just going to the store? He can wear a suit if he wants to!


Y/n had woken up in a strange room on an even stranger bed—at least she thinks it's a bed, it's very different than the one she was used to—panicked and confused.

It seemed like it had only been a few days but the scar on her arm told otherwise—where did she even get a scar from? She wasn't injured before she went to sleep, was she?

She tried to think about what happened before she fell asleep but suddenly, she was bombarded with the thought of "NO. DANGER. STOP."

So, she did the only logical thing to do and immediately freaked the fuck out.

"Why are there voices in my head?" "Am I going crazy?" and "Fuck." We're some of the thoughts going through her head at the moment.

She calmed herself down and tried to think logically—as logical as an eight-year-old can at least.

She thought through what had just happened and tried to think about it again only to be bombarded with the same thoughts, but there was the underlying sense of something other about. them.

She focused on the feeling and tried to go further only for a spark of electricity to go through her body.

She jumped and her hair stood up straight.

She sat still for a while thinking over what she felt.

'It felt like the stuff mama did.' She thought.

She reminisced on when she had accidentally killed a chicken and couldn't stop crying. It went on for days until her mother asked if she wanted to forget about what had happened.

At the time she had said yes, and her mother put a hand on her forehead, but she had passed out before she knew what had happened.

When she woke up, she felt better but it was like she was missing something. Whenever she tried to think about the chicken it was like her mind had blocked it off from her.

After a while she had forgotten about it but one day it all had come rushing back to her and she sobbed into her mother's arms like she had done all her life.

She shook her to get rid of the memory, 'now was not the time to reminisce.'

She reached up to pat her hair back down, but something felt off about it.

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