The Path Forward

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Anni Arrived at City hall early.  She was feeling a bit anxious but hopeful that the meeting would go well.  Before stepping into the building she said a short prayer asking for God's guidance and wisdom. 

As Anni entered the council chambers for the closed-door portion of the meeting, she couldn't shake the weight of responsibility that now rested upon her shoulders. The other council members greeted her warmly, their curiosity evident in their expressions as they awaited her introduction.

Seated around the table, the council members invited Anni to share her political views and her vision for the city. Anni took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking.

"I'm a registered independent," Anni began, her voice steady. "My political views lean towards the center. I believe in inclusivity and respect for all residents of our city, regardless of their background, beliefs, or affiliations."

She elaborated on her desire for the city to embrace diversity and to ensure that every citizen feels valued and heard. "We must uphold the civil liberties of all individuals," she emphasized, "without imposing our own religious or political ideologies onto them."

Anni spoke passionately about the need for unity and understanding in the face of divisive rhetoric and extremist influences. "Our city thrives when we come together as a community," she asserted, "and it's my goal to foster an environment where everyone can coexist peacefully."

Addressing Pastor Vic's suspension, Anni expressed empathy for his situation while reaffirming her commitment to justice and accountability. "I believe he was misled by extremist groups," she stated, "and I hope that, like Peter in Mathew 14:22, that he can find his way back to his true calling and mission of serving."

Her words resonated with the council members, who nodded in agreement. Encouraged by her sincerity and clarity of purpose, they made a proposal: Would Anni be willing to serve as pro-tem chair of the council until the conclusion of Pastor Vic's trial?

Anni paused, considering the weight of the responsibility being offered to her. After a moment of reflection, she nodded. "I accept," she replied, her resolve unwavering. "It's time for us to move forward together, with integrity and compassion, for the betterment of our city."

That concluded the closed-door portion of the meeting and when the members of the council stepped out into the crowded city council chambers the crowd gasped as Anni took center stage and sat at the head of the Council.

Anni, noticing the uncomfortable looks among many of the faces of the attendees, started the meeting by addressing the crowd directly as they listened intently.

"Hello everyone," Anni began. "First, let me just say how honored I am to be able to address all of you in this setting. First, let me clarify that my current position as chair of the council is only temporary, until such time that Pastor Vic's situation is resolved."

"Next, I've heard many rumors floating around town suggesting that I'm part of a much larger conspiracy to destroy democracy and was responsible for framing Pastor Vic for a crime he didn't commit. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My political views are middle of the road, and I'm a firm believer in law and order. I also believe that the law applies equally to all citizens without exception."

"I would like to address Pastor Vic's recent troubles. While I agree that there are forces at work trying to destroy our democracy, I truly believe what we are facing is an evil in the form of extremist groups that are exploiting social media and the church pulpit to wage a religious crusade against perceived adversaries, both real and imagined. In this war, casualties abound, with the church and the fundamental rights of citizens caught in the crossfire. I genuinely believe that Pastor Vic is one of the victims of this war, his attention diverted from his calling."

"I urge all of you to stop listening to these extremists, be they far right or left. Find something else to do with your time. Volunteer to help others in your community, your church, and your neighborhood. Think of the widow in your neighborhood whose yard you complain to the city about. Why not form a group to help her and those like her?"

"We can help you organize civic groups where you can talk to one another instead of talking behind closed doors about what you think others might be doing. Be critical of what you hear, and remember that the truth does not mind being questioned, but a lie does not like being challenged."

"Above all I want to show that our City is fair and inclusive of all its citizens. One of my first acts is to recommend that we pass the pride parade permit, but with limitations. I want those taking part in the parade to know that even though you may have been born a little different than the rest of us, we respect your right to celebrate your accomplishments and contributions to our city, but please respect the laws of our city."

"And just to make sure you all behave, I will be riding in the parade, so mind your P and Qs and all the other letters in the rainbow." Anni's remark elicited laughter from the crowd.

Next up from triumph to tragedy 

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