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"Neteyam you in here?" Ao'nung called for his newly mate, he noticed neteyam had half his braid up, a flower peeking behind his ear and a beaded pearl chest wrap around his shoulders "hey nung" he said as Kiri smirked at ao'nung s reaction, "wow.. you look, wow" ao'nung said, staring at his stunning partner "thank you, I think it's too much.." he said, speaking about the beads, "no you look great" he smiled, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, Kiri made a gag sound "yeah I'm leaving before I get sick" she teased, Neteyam glared, ao'nung playfully wrapped his hands around his tail "so tiny" he teased as Neteyam rolled his eyes, and swiftly took his tail into his own hands, "ready? Oleytikyan" neteyam softly whispered, wrapping his arms around his chest, placing his head onto his shoulder as they stared into the bioluminescent pond below them, "do you think I am?" He asked, leaning his head onto neteyam s forearm "of course, you show great leadership" he replied softly taking a handful of ao'nung s hair into his hands, "hm.. but do I.. do I have to give up who I am?" He asked, missing the waters, missing his people and how he grew up, and his spirit brother.. the one he never got to say goodbye to... Neteyam froze, he could sense how ao'nung got sad, "love, never forget who you are, what you are is something special.. don't ever loose it" he said, connecting foreheads with him, ao'nung softly smiled, embracing his mate.

Neteyam stood by his mother and siblings, Jake took the headdress and chest wear off, handing the Oleytikyan formal dress, to the next in line.. Ao'nung stood proudly as his mother smiled and his younger sisters cheered, his father nodded in pride as his son took the place of a leader amongst his new people, the people began to celebrate, performing there tradition dance, the Fire dance. They danced with Ikran feathers hanging from there arms, the feathers as anklets and they would dance with there mates, it was traditional for all Navis, Neteyam and ao'nung non stop laughed at one another as they danced together. The night went on with food and festivities, laughter of people filled the mountains as it echoed for days, children running with sticks that bared small flints of fire and smoke, the elders sitting amongst them selves speaking of the old days.. They days would roll by as if it never happened, ao'nung tried to cherish every day he could but every day was straight bliss, he enjoyed his night swims with Neteyam or his sister and friend, he enjoyed talking with his baby sister about there old home, he loved it.. but something in the back of his mind pained, something that made him stay on alert at night, something that made him want to just keep his family nearby and safe, how he wanted to stay by neteyam s side every second.. this feeling he didn't enjoy.. he felt in fear.. he didn't like the feeling of fearing something.. something he couldn't figure out.

This book has gotten so many reads!? The fandom is lowkey dead but like.. idrc SO we're gonna keep this going for as long as it need to <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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