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We can generally piece together Hotch is 34-36 (born 1969-1971) in Season 1 from his high school graduation year stated in Fisher King (1988) however, in season 5, they say he's 43 (DOB: 1965) when he should be 37-39-ish. (fixing math here, oops) We do know his birthday is November 2nd from context in Machismo. Edit: The Storm confirms his birthday as November 2nd, 1965, although that messes up the Haley storyline

Elle and JJ are both in their late 20s at the start. Garcia is also said to be one of the younger members of the team, so she is probably also round about there at the start. Update: Garcia's birth year is given as 1977; and I think that's Elle's given birth year too.

Morgan is stated to either be born in 1973 or 1975.

Prentiss is stated to be born October 12, 1970

Rossi and Gideon are both in their mid 50s as of Season 4 iirc

Blake joined the FBI at 24 and was on the Unabomber case, so we can assume she's in her late 40s or early 50s.

I can't figure out anything on Tara, Kate, or Luke, but I'd assume they're all somewhere in the early 40s when they join.

And Macey Leigh is 21 in the first season after joining when she was 19.

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