Does Link Love Zelda

11 2 1

You know what I'm doing so let's get into it already.

Chapter 1 - 1/5

So this was my 1st book and this was my 1st chapter written. You can see it without me telling you though. It does the bare basics and doesn't have any jokes. Bad start.

Chapter 2 - 1/5

Insert what I said about chapter 1 here. I actually thought I was writing gold when I 1st made these chapters.

Chapter 3 -  3/5

This 1 wasn't good but still significantly better than the other 2 so far. While still not funny it does a solid job with showing Zelda's perspective, which is what a POV should do.

Chapter 4 - 2/5

C'mon I thought I was improving. Zelda leaving link barely had if any emotional impact and since there's nothing else to this 1 it fails. The title says it all really.

Chapter 5 - 4/5

The only reason this gets a 4 is because I still find links response to sonic hilarious, in such a bland book this still has to be 1 of the funniest things I've ever written

Chapter 6 - 3/5

Alrighty so this 1 was made way later than the others. The only reason I made this is because I always felt bad I never completed my 1st book. Especially when I was still active on wattpad. I could complain about how rushed this chapter was but honestly it fits the general vibe of the book

5/5: 0
4/5: 1
3/5: 2
2/5: 1
1/5: 2

Overall this is obviously my worst book imo. There's barely any jokes, link and zelda themselves mostly feel like cardboard cutouts, and the worst part is definitely how rushed it felt. I will always have a warm nostalgia for this 1 since it's still a book I made, but I definitely went on to make way better books. Thx for reading!

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