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THREE DAYS have passed since the boys have arrived at Blue Lock, and after that entrance test Ego administered, they all managed to bond a bit together. [Name] examines each of them from the corner of the room, notebook in hand as she takes down their current stats. They certainly have the drive to succeed, and she's looking forward to seeing how they thrive in this environment.

"Isagi! Igaguri!"

The girl turns to the treadmill station and sees Raichi, Isagi, and Igaguri sprinting on all of them.

She smiles at them. 'Very good stamina..!'

Raichi Jingo, rank #294.

"You two are weak!" He cackles obnoxiously. "You think you can become the world's best striker like that?! Just go home before you cry after losing to me, you weaklings!"

While Isagi couldn't refute back, Igaguri attempts to do so, but barfs in the process. This causes [Name] to grab him and place him against the wall, handing him a cool bottle of water.

Isagi steps off the treadmill and heaves for his breath, soon traveling his gaze to [name] and the unwell monk. The girl catches his stare and smiles.

"Keep it up. You're almost there!" She pumps up her fist with a determined nod before turning back to Igaguri, caressing his back as he vomits in a bag once more.

Isagi grimaces, soon yelping at a cold sensation on his cheek. "Gah!"

"Oh—sorry about that. You looked thirsty," A tall brunette says.

Kuon Wataru, rank #293.

Kuon notices Isagi's hesitant look and quickly reassures him, "Don't worry about what Ego says. And don't worry about what Teieri-san thinks," this makes Isagi flinch. Was he that obvious? "—Let's just do what we can."


The jumping test is next, hence Kuon and Isagi strap up and squat. On the count of three, they jump as high as they can. Thanks to Kuon's tall height, he catches more air than Yoichi does.

[Name] observes the boys as they do their individual tests, tabulating their results and creating their current profiles — for her own convenience. As a manager/coach of the teams here, she must have a clear idea of where they stand currently.

She had to admit — this was kind of fun. Observing the players at her own pace rather than observing during a blood-boiling game certainly is different—in a good way, she means.

"Good job, Isagi, Kuon."

The two boys look up to meet eyes with her.

She gives them a friendly closed-eyed grin, "I'm very impressed. Keep on going!"

Isagi nods, "Right..!"

"Okay, Teieri-san!" Says Kuon.

Soon, the banter is interrupted by the Blue Lock bell, signaling that physical tests are finally over.


"Time to eat!" Igaguri says with newfound energy.

Blue Lock has a relatively large cafeteria to cater its players. The tables are neatly packed together with multiple chairs surrounding them. Various boys sit down to eat with their peers while some were waiting in line to access the machines. Besides miso and rice, you get a side dish that varies on your Blue Lock rank.

Isagi, gripping his tray of food, angles his shoulder against a nearby machine to flaunt his status. His expression twists with displeasure as Natto is unveiled and slid in his direction.

'Ugh...natto again?' He shrivels up like a dried flower.

"Wish I had natto..." Isagi turns to meet the sad eyes of Igaguri. "All I seem to get is pickled radish..."

"That sucks..."

Igaguri sighs, "Must be nice to have a high ranking..." he points to Gagamaru, "—Look! He gets gyoza!"

And there he was, Gagamaru Gin, sitting down with his food. He begins to munch on his food while using his hands, unaware of the weird looks he is receiving.

Isagi frowns. 'So lucky...'

"Why isn't he using chopsticks?" He asks.

"Maybe it's a religious thing?" Igaguri pipes up. "Or maybe he was raised by bears..."

They see [Name] walking inside the cafeteria with her own food tray. Judging by the tray's slightly messy state, she was probably finished with her food. "Meine Güte..." She sighs, "ich habe viel gegessen..." (My goodness...I ate a lot...)

Isagi blinks, 'German?'

[Name] sees Isagi and smiles, "Isagi. How are you? You enjoying your dinner?"

"S-sure..." he laughs awkwardly.

"Igarashi? You?" She asks.

"O-oh!" He squeaks and nods, "I am..!!"

She observes their stiff attitude and gives them an even softer smile. "You don't have to be so scared. I'm a footballer just like you. I don't mind if you use my first name. We're friends, right?"

Yet, that didn't kill Igaguri's fear. "Ri—right!"

Isagi blinks at him, before sighing.

'He's hopeless...but...even I can't speak to her without avoiding her eyes.'

"I'll call you Yoichi, okay?"

The boy twitches at the mention of his first name. "W-what?"

[Name] frowns, "Is that okay with you? You can call me [name], and I can call you Yoichi."

Isagi widens his eyes. 'First name basis...!!'

"That's fine..! I don't mind..."

He feels his cheeks warm up as he utters, "...[n-[name]."

The girl smiles widely, "Good to know, Yoichi! I look forward to working with you."

"Same here, [name]." He cracks a shy smile.

NIGHT TIME soon strikes Japan, and [Name] grins as the players turn in after a rough day of training and practice

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NIGHT TIME soon strikes Japan, and [Name] grins as the players turn in after a rough day of training and practice. She sits up, off her desk chair, and stretches as much as she can. A satisfied pop from her back makes her release a sigh.

A knock at her door releases her from her reverie, and she allows it to open, revealing her sister in her night clothes. "What's up, Anri?"

She smiles, "Hey. I'm just here to tell you that...you will be accompanying me to the press conference tomorrow. Ego said it's to further endorse Blue Lock to gain funding. You in?"

"Oh!" She smiles, "Sure. Count me in!"

The sisters bid each other a goodnight and sweet dreams, ready to wake up soon and conquer the day tomorrow.


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