chapter 1

27 2 1

Stella Pov

"Again, I am in this dark room. Why? Why? Aging??"

Why i am roaming in this dark room again while my eyes are teary. I am about to cry at any moment knowing what coming next.
While roaming , a rope come from nowhere and squzing my throat. I am afraid, i am afraid of this dark room , of this rope. In next second, I heard sounds echoing in room. I tried to look where sound is coming from but rope get tighten around my throat.

"You Bron To Be Our Slave. You Have To Do Everything We Say. You Can't Do Anything In Your Love..."

In next moment rope tighten more to left me chocked. I am struggling to breath. As i am trying to lossen rope I saw multiple eyes with hate and disgust are watching me. Those are telling me so many things.
As I am about to collapse, rope disappeared. My chest moving up and down as I fill my lungs with air. As i look around only to find myself in dark room again. My face look horrible. Sweat is dripping from my forehead.
As I look around , I found small light ray coming from somewhere upside. I want go where light is coming from. I straighten my hand to catch light but instant I get pulled backward by my hair. I screamed in pain. I close my eyes tightly wishing pain to go way.
When I open my eyes, I look around, I found myself tied to chair. I struggled to get free. I look around to find someone to help me. But no one is there to help me.

"Why are you struggling for??"

I froze in my place as I herd voice coming from my back as I feel cold metal tip on my backside of neck.

"Do you think someone will come to help you??" Person behind me chuckled.

"Do you really think if you do as they say, they will really love you? You are not good daughter for them. Not even good sister. Still you think they will love you?? You are so navie , Stella."

Person behind me say as she come forward and hold kinfe tip on my throat.
Person is no other than my teenage version.

"Y-y-you... why are you doing this to me again and again??!!"

"Um....let me make your life hell"
My teenage version started to laugh like psycho.

", do you really think once you left your family, you will able to live happy life... your are wrong. Their memories always hunt you till you are not dead.."

My teenage version say as she held her knife tightly in her hand and positioned to my chest.

"It's better if you die now. You suppose to die when you are with them. But now you are gonna die with my hand"

My teenage version say as she laugh like maniac. She held my should and stab in my chest.

"Aaaaaaaa......." chest is paining....blood is coming from my chest....


I am breathing heavily. My forehead is full of sweet. My hands are trembling. I look at my chest. No blood is coming. I look around. I am in my bedroom. I pick up my phone from nightstand with trembling hand. It's only 4.00 in the morning. I rolled my eyes as I am breathing heavily. I throw my phone on nightstand. And open upper drawer and took out medicine bottle. I took 2 pills out of the bottle and glup with water. And try to go back to sleep.

After 10 min I gave up. I cant able to sleep again after getting this nightmare. I get up from my bed and go to washroom.
After whole 1ahd half hour of shower. I go to my closet to choose best clothes for today's interview.

As I am choosing my phone rang. I look at the caller ID and pick up.

"Hello Ana, good morning..."
"Good morning?? It's not even 6 am girl. Do you have nightmare again??"
"Yes... but leave it, why you called me early morning today..?"

As I ask ,I herd her lazy and deep groan.

"I called you to say, best of luck with your new life from today.!!"
"What's new life in this Ana..?"
"Come'n girl, this is your first interview after all."
"I have worked part time job before, so it's not that much hard"
"But this is your dream job girl. I know you will definitely get this job. BTW your coming with me."

My face dropped as she say.

" No, I am not."
"I am not asking you, I am telling you. I will pick you at 7 am"
I say and hung up.

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