iv. secret little rendezvous

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"Wait did you leave her file on the table- KENJI!" I ran back into the office and grab the file, my heart beating with an exhilarating pace. Oh how I forgot this adrenalin rush; of running behind my father's supervision to hide books and music tapes he'd ask us to throw. I take in a large breath as..


"Why are we doing this? What if we get caught?" he panics as the stool starts shaking.

"Stop being a chicken Kishimoto and find if her name is there." I whisper-yell.

We are now in the warden's data room, where each orphan's file is stored. Whatever their name maybe, their parents, nationality, reason of admission and so on. I'm looking for Rosalie's file. Before going for a stroll with Kenji in the backyard, I went to the washroom. The same locker room washrooms they use for the kids here, and overhead some 10 year olds gossip, precisely why I hate young children.

Apparently, Rosalie is being mistreated and bullied by the kids here. I don't know why but I've decided to quit being a nonchalant hater for once and care.

Call it unhealed trauma or a big heart with a giant mansion, I need to help this kid. So I ask Aaron to leave with Juliette, 'I have some patrols guards to check up on I'll be back soon. And fine, I'll take Kishimoto.' Truth is I don't like doing the dirty work, he can get the file out of the dusty racks- I just have to devise a scheme.

Just then a door creak is heard and a "Oh bloody shit" from Kenji. We make a run for the nearest hiding spot; a storage closet where we find a bunch of- ladels?

"Wait did you leave her file on the table- KENJI!" I ran back into the office and grab the file, my heart beating with an exhilarating pace. Oh how I forgot this adrenalin rush; of running behind my father's supervision to hide books and music tapes he'd ask us to throw. I take in a large breath as.. he pulls me into the closet, right when the door opens and the warden steps in.

She groans seeing her office in a mess and steps closer to the closet we're hiding in, no no no no. 3 ticks, I heard her heels click away, the door to her office got locked.

"Umm, Kenji.." I shift awkwardly as he held me, face against his chest. The proximity is making me all sweaty and weirdly gooey and mushy and- Christ please get us out of this closet. "Oh heh, sorry." He opens the door of the closet and we get out, thank goodness. "So what are we supposed to do now?" he asks and I smirk knowing just the thing I'm about to do (and regret for sure.)


Aaron takes us a deep breath, huffs out. He is surprisingly calm, "Haley, what is this?" or is he? "Oops! Sorry. Impulsive decision." I reply when I hear the thud of her bag. One of the many pink bow bags she brought along, half of which Kenji is still unloading from the car. "What is this place?" Rosalie asks me, as she eyes Aaron up and down, he looks back at her. Up and down, except with a more petrified expression. "A word, Haley." He calls me to his office. I ask Rosalie to stay in the lounge and not come out until I come back. 

"Amalia," Aaron sighs for the nth time today "what is a kid from the orphanage doing her?" I shake my head knowing this is going to be a conversation in vain for him. One where I end up wining. "Hey she was being bullied over there okay?" and he looks at me with a very confused expression.

"Even I don't understand but I just couldn't leave Rosalie there to be mistreated. The warden was crueler than father. Okay, maybe not but you get the point I'm trying to prove, that's why I.." I sigh and prep myself, "adopted her." and boy Aaron's reaction had to be overdramatic. "YOU WHAT?!" he screams. "Hypocrite keep it down. You also adopted Juliette and I took Rosalie in under his custody" I explain the whole situation to him, what happened after he left to talk with Juliette.

"I did not 'adopt' Juliette, I got her out by changing the policies. Stating that anyone above 17 cannot be funded by the orphanage anymore, because we need to test her and I have father's approval. Secondly, you think Anderson will let you adopt a child under his custody? You know him. If he finds out-" he justifies himself in the first part and all I can do is roll my eyes. "And that, is precisely why I'm the Chief. I forged the documents, provided some donations and my unsolicited but very necessary fashion advice."

"Plus- he wouldn't know what he won't see.. and if you try anything sly and conniving." he nods at my threat as a mockery, and I can see he wants no part in this. So of course his silence comes along with his parts of the bet.

"As long as that thing stays 10 metres away from me at all times, showers regularly, does not touch my belongings, does not disturb my guards eat my food" I glare at him for these childish demands, he is really wasting his chance. "And you help Juliette get familiar with the base. Like atleast being there as her girl mentor" he comes to the point, i knew it! "So you mean be her nanny?"

"That is not what I said. Now get out, and scram that kid wherever." he tells me to leave and I go to the lounge to find Kenji playing with Rosalie. I clear my throat and catch their attention, "Come on I'll show you your room but keep quiet." and she skips up the flight of stairs excitedly.


author's note: hi yall this was a short chapter i think but i hope you enjoyed it! i havent reviewed it so there might be mistakes, pls feel free to point them out!


yk u luv me


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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