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             *⁠.⁠✧ Nobody will
           Understand anyways *⁠.⁠✧

"Do you Choi Seungho take Cho Aera as your wife in sickness and in health , in rich and poor,

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"Do you Choi Seungho take Cho Aera as your wife in sickness and in health , in rich and poor,...."

"I Do" said King Seungho

"Do you Cho Aera take Choi Seungho as your husband in sickness and in health , in rich and in poor,..."

"I Do" said my mother

There I was standing and looking at my mother getting married to king with tears stinging my eyes. I feel so happy seeing my mom getting married to the man she now loves . I feel happy that she is going to lead a new and happy life. But I also feel afraid for her. Until a few days back I couldn't accept the fact that she loves the king and they both wish to marry eachother until I met Seungcheol.

2 weeks ago ( Yeon se's POV)

"Yeon se wake up darling, you have school to attend"  my mother called me from the kitchen.

"Coming mother"

I did my morning routine and got ready for school .I put on my sling bag and walked to the kitchen.

"Here's your lunch"  my mother said while handing me my lunch.

"Thank you mother" I said leaving but mother stopped me saying she had something to say.

"Yeon come home early today there are guests coming over and I have something to say." mother said

"Sure mother" I said leaving for school               


Yeon Se had joined a pretty local school. She had been given a chance by the King to join the Royal school but she had declined the offer to stay with her friends. That was not the only reason she has declined it she did not want to be surrounded by the arrogant royals, she wanted to study in a friendly and simple environment. Even though the school did not have accessibilities like the royal school it had a pretty much similar and quality education. Everyone was blessed with unique powers and mana but it was impossible to train by their own. To bring out the inner potential of everyone the royals and the locals came into a agreement of having levels. Until they  achieve a specific level given to them based on their ability they would not be graduating. And the use of powers in public without a proper reason before graduating from a school is prohibited for the safety of everyone. The more powerful your powers are the more levels you had to pass. The difficulty level ranged to 6 to 7 levels.

Yeon Se was blessed with Mediumship and  Venom. Mediumship helps in enabling the connection between her and the spiritual world i.e supernatural beings like angels,devil's or deceased. As her powers were pretty much powerful and dangerous to she had to learn how to control them and use them properly. She had to pass the 7th level in order to graduate. And she was currently in the 6th level. She is pretty much stronger than she seems. She was one of the top students in the country. Soon she had to participate in a competition with many other competitors like her who were nothing less than her. This competition is the dream of many people to achieve their goals and attain the noble reward.


Yeon se's POV

On the way to the school people gave me weird looks. This was nothing new to me. I was used to them. Everyone always tried to avoid me. They saw me as a monster . Because of my powers. For them these powers were not godly and safe. People think that I belong to the evils. The even came to the conclusion that my father was killed because of me and I helped the evils to kill him. But my mother never believed them. She and few others trusted me and believed in me. From then on I rarely talk to people other than my family and my two best friends who I really love. They never doubted me based on the rumours and fought along side me when I was insulted because of my powers.

I ignored all the stares and continued walking to school wondering what my mother wanted to tell me.

My train of thoughts was then interrupted by two familiar voices.

"YEON" they called from behind
I turned back smiling and waving at the two who were doing the same. Soon I was engulfed in a hug by the brunette while the charcoal haired one just stood smiling at us.

"I missed you so much Yeon" said the brunette while breaking the hug

" You didn't see me for only two days Suma. If you had not got drenched in the rain that day and catch a cold you wouldn't have missed me" I said laughing at her pouting while Ari nodded agreeing to me. I laugh as Suma hit me on the shoulder slightly

" Stop teasing me Yeon. You know I love rain right? I could not resist getting wet in the rain. Anyways let's get going or we'll miss the first slot " she said dragging us to the school   


Word count: 850

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 26 ⏰

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