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Book two
I rode into the camp with my gide and second, Rashean, a warrior called as he came over to us, my brother your back have salt and water with me, thank you Hurat, he nodded please gesturing us all we sat on a rug in an open tent as he poured cups of water for us, I took a pinch of salt and placed it on my toung, Rashean said, Hurat we don't have much time when is your man coming, I'm to be sure of your friend's fist, nodding I removed my hood as did the gide, Hurat lept to his feet pointing at the gide, Nilak you dog, both men drew swords but the gide was to quick his blade stabbing into Hurat's chest, my sword court his back swings return ment to gut me as Rashean's blade past through the man Nilak, outside exploded with fighting as men ran in from the night, Rashean bent down to Hurat who's hand pulled a scroll from his sleeve, go quickly my brother he said, blood running from his mouth, go, his coughing started and stopped in a single breath, Rashean retrieved the scroll, saying he's dead, we ran out as three men cut a path towards us, I killed the first man and received a slash to my arm but got on my horse, Rashean was on his in one swift motion a sword swung at him but his speed left a sword and arm to fall on the ground behind him, we rode over the third man and were out of camp so fast riding hard to the top of a rise, we looked back as more fighters ran into the camp, a setup said Rashean,
The border of the desert was long and hot hard to enforce every child was reassured forced into training for two years from the age of sixteen, if accepted after that he or she could enlist for a further five-year service at a reasonable wage this was how the border Army manned its forts along our border, troop leader Hain sat on his horse looking over his troop of ten Lance archers all lined up in two rows for inspection their armour polished to perfection he eyed their helmets of iron and heavy breastplate's hoping the tunics under them were clean a glance at their heavy boots of buffalo hide relaxed him as he noticing every trooper sat facing forward, Hain then looked left and right along the other twenty troops formed up beside his troop, over two hundred horsemen and in between each troop sitting on their desert ponies were the scouts from the sea tribes along the coast our people help them fight the slavers raiding from across the sea, the sound of horses made Hain look back at the officers riding up commander Ashlin of Fort Tasman Point at the front, Sir he said all present and ready for inspection, thanks Hain they look good from here but will they fight, a scream of Yes Sir answered him as the men beat a fist on their chest's in salute, next morning Hain led his troop out into the desert across the border to patrol along it looking for signs of raiders, scouts were sent inland as far as they could go safely, few raids occurred now but when Hain saw a scout racing back his eyes widened, report! Man, he was breathing hard but said, sSir, over two hundred raiders heading this way, Damb! It Man Did they see you, no Sir, it doesn't matter anyway they'll see our tracks he turned his horse and yelled, at a trot return to the fort, Hain stood at his commander's desk after giving his report, so just the two killed Hain, take a seat this is the second report like this today somethings up I've sent pigeons to the Port Forts to see if the Chiefs know anything but I think we're in for an invasion this time to meny of em, Sir said Hain the seven troops hunting out there now might get lucky and find them, no I've sent orders back for two hundred mounted women Legbow to fit in with our patrols they won't let me turn your tens into twenty's until this settles down, over the next week word of farms and a town being burned had the border on its toes a young trooper named Killan sat in his bunkhouse talking to his frend from school Mason both where in there second year of the five-year service, Mason, said Killan do you think it's as bad as they say, no it's just a couple of tribes after a quick gain in horses and any wealth they can take, I hope not because my uncle has a farm in the area they hit, a horn sounded and the bunkhouse raced to prepare Mason and Killan where amongst the first on the field, Kill an, I wish Raiden was here, Leader Hain stood as the troops lined up, OKAY men he said we are going over the border in the dark tonight to wipe out this band of raiders we know where they are so it should be quick, four troops are going with us and have ten leg bow with every troop this time so take an extra water skin along only water now' Anyone with grog walks back because the water is for the horses, dusk had five troops and fifty mounted leg bow ride out for the border, Mason said, the moons not helping us they might see us, No said Killan our scouts are tribe's men they know the desert and will get us there from what I've heard two scouts are watching them now, the force rode close together and quietly until a scout rode up with the word to dismount, the leg bow women took their equipment and walked up a dune while there horses were held by hobbles and some troopers, most of the troopers led their horses to a spot picked for the charge to clean up after the leg bow had done the main damage, Killan watched as the leg bow rolled out their mats and readied themselves by laying on their backs with the six foot long arrows beside them they slipped their feet into the loops on their bow's, the trigger release system wasn't used by all but with a seven-foot-long weapon power was needed, the arrows were loaded an order came, At will people bows were lifted by the legs pulled by arms pushed with the feet giving tremendous power to the flight of the arrow, shoot, over two hundred feet the shafts hit into tents men and guards the camp alarm sounded late as the raiders stood preparing for an attack but the constant arrows pinned men in poses of horror some still on their feet, others held by the six-foot shafts were armoured the arrows penetration was lethal pinning them as well the effect was obvious so troops were sent in shooting any escapees while riding them down it kept them back from their horses, Killan rode in close to the rope line of horses shooting at running men other troopers lined up with him but Mason spotted two men running out onto the sand he rode out shot one in the back but the other turned his arrow notched in fear, both men released together, the damage done Hain ordered the leg bow to pull swords and clean up the camp, sunrise lit up a seen of devastation over eighty bodies spread over a half mile area, men dug shallow sand graves as weapons and booty were packed onto the new carts horses still stood by their water troth, Killan rode forward, Reece he called to a man, Have you seen Mason, no but I'd check the wounded area first, Killan turned his horse to go but saw a trooper on foot staggering in from the desert with an arrow in his shoulder, Mason he yelled riding over, a horse was found for Mason after a quick patch up the bloody tip of the shaft protruding from a bandage didn't help as he slumped on a horse in the column, do you think this will end the raiding said Hain, No! said commander Ashlan, you only hit a small second force, they waited to join the bigger force, But Sir we killed over eighty fighters, only ten or so escaped I'm sure, Hain the force where after is now over two thousand strong, luckily you stopped it from growing but we have to find more troops fast to stop this the tribes could unite, Hain attended a meeting of troop leaders with their seconds in the Forts Hall, over forty men all eager for promotion Hain thought, as he was senior to most and was the most respected troop leader leaders Nevle and Dean were his friends from training so all sat together, the line of officers from stores and accounts finished there rundowns and waited for the commander, gentleman said Ashlin word is in the tribes are gathering it looks bad, a tribal war Lord named Jeshram is stirring up the desert Chiefs, our Lords are recruiting men our reservists called back even retired men are lining up, Sir said Hain, our troops of ten won't work in this and we need more scouts, yes Hain pick some good men to draft a professional letter for command I'll expect you later today to look it over, thank you Sir, a command meeting is set for next week at a secret location so we should get an answer by then, two battles were fought along the border before the next meeting but word came that five Lords and some elders were appointed to the new Army of Light, men cheered troops of trained men made ready every Fort was manned camps were established inland to support the Forts, commander Ashlin was replaced by a Lord Franklin from the coast our new Warlord, Tasman Point was being enlarged, Franklin arrived with twenty staff, I arrived on the same day my new job was to coordinate the native troops and weed out spy's, pretty much like my old job but now was for the Army of Light, my trusted team of infiltration specialists came from the tribes, scouts from friendly tribes were trained by my men, Leader Raiden can I speak to you, come Rashean sit with me Sir the new men are here, good Rashean I need you to put Karim with them his job with the last lot found two Spys one other was killed by his own people it's amazing how a lie can work for us so well, Sir I need to tell you of a conversation overheard last night in Gasims tent his trainees were left talking, go on Rashean, one of my men heard the voices in the tent say the job must be tonight because Franklins servant arrives tomorrow, Ashlins old servant will do it if they he said if they get him out fast enough, shit? They meant to kill Franklin, who was in the tent Nanim waited and watched to see who left hoping to identify them, what are you going to do, Sir? I'm telling you, No this is your job your my replacement if something happens to me so do it I know you can, yes Sir, I was called to the Lord's office just after midday where I saw Rashean standing over four hogtied men all laying by the outer office, Rashean I see you had no trouble has anyone seen you with them, no sir the two soldiers arrested them, I came in the back way, Lord Franklin entered looked at the men pulled ones head back by the hair, you should have tried last night fool" we didn't know about you then, he pushed him to the floor, I realised that he must be Ashlin's old servant who'd stayed behind, I wondered if Ashlin was under investigation over this, Leader Raiden I thank you and your man Rashean for saving my life, I would be honoured if you both come to my rooms tonight for dinner, we bowed, thank you, Sir, Franklin called behind him, Holt get in here, a fat dirty man came in, Sir, good Holt find out everything and I mean everything but don't let them die at least not yet, yes Sir, we got into Franklin's good books with Nanim's good work, I promoted him telling Rashean he'd have to get a new second, we had a meal talking about our luck when word came in by my long range scouts a force of some forty thousand tribesmen were camped ten miles from the border, Rashean and I attended every meeting of the command after that and got promoted, we even gave some advice, the new army was slow to respond to attacks for a while but started to turn the tables when my extra teams of scouts with dogs arrived, I couldn't place it but there effect was our biggest advantage in getting word fast the dogs took message sticks back to the Fort in half the time a rider would, the raiders found walls of soldiers and bowmen instead of easy farms, Franklin was hailed as a god but we knew the truth our advantage was only the walls of trained soldiers, I sat with Rashean and two of our best spy's, Sir, said Rashean H'shis is friendly with the soldiers around Jeshram they don't give much away or don't know much but he heard some bad news, I looked up, please H'shis tell us, Sir, three tribes from the deep desert joined with Jeshram giving him close to two thousand more men, What? I said, no this gives him and the tribes a force equal to our number here or more, Sir, H'shis said, including their women, I stood looking at the map on my table, the women are probably leg bow then said our problem is knowing when they intend to attack, two men came to my tent Sir, commanders Rexus and Daron, both sent by Lord Franklin, both bowed their heads, leader Raiden, our forces are at your disposal, Lord Franklin, has informed us of your work and thinks we need to talk, Forces! What number, between us both Lord fifteen thousand men but the best-trained men here Sir, you call me Sir and Lord but you are both commanders, haven't you been told yet Sir, your' A Lord by order of the council of elders, What? Oh, sorry Sir Lord Franklin sent an order I saw it we must have raced it, I said, this is sudden, Lord Raiden said Daron if I might be the first to us your title it's as Rexus said we should talk but not now tonight at dinner in your new rooms if that's okay, Oh, and where are they, I entered the two rooms given to me by my new title the large one was split into an office with dinning and lounge to the side the smaller room was a bedroom bigger than the unit I lived in before my service, I had my servant move us in and found food and drink on the table with a note from Franklin, Daron was a smart commander I found out his record was mostly logistics but his five battles were won, Rexus was a full battle commander the highest record Id seen and was shocked to find later that Rashean had served under Rexus he spoke highly of him, Lord Franklin required us to meet him and some Elders for lunch where I was to receive my honours and to discuss the war, Gentlemen he said as he sat poring wine, I put you together because your the best at what you do and have vision, Elder Reen is here because he and Elder Fuller control the Army of Lights supply and artillery my aid has personnel with his team so between us this war must be won, it didn't take long for me to realize the power given to me and with this team of honourable men we had a chance, my spy Nanim was sent to rid us of Jeshram if possible but my main problem was training, Rexus walked onto the field watching his trainers at work, Renald they hold there swords to high get them under control or they won't last a day, yes Sir, Rexus turned as I walked up, Lord Raiden good to see you, Rexus your men are the best trained men we have but you train such a small number of leg bow why, commander Noels is the leg master, Rexus, at eighty four he can't help us you know this your leg women are far better trained I have an idea how he can stay but for it to work you must finish their training here and promote some women it will be called blade training, yes, I see we're your going Lord he smiled, Rexus your trainers how many have you, Lord I've pulled in all the retired trainers I can find so fourty in all, can you find good men to train as there seconds, ah, yes Lord but it will take years, Rexus I know you are our best soldier but now you must be our best training commander as well, it will be done Sir you've given me a lot to think about, reports keep coming in to Lord Daron, it's the enemys size isn't it, yes Rexus I know, Lord how long do we have, Rexus months less maybe but Franklin is saying longer, we have close to three hundred thousand men but reports from over the border are higher, I don't believe it because my spys say families are in the camps as well so how hard do you think that will make the counting, Lord I feel my stomach turn at the thought, I rode out with Rexus and five troops of horse Lance troops leader Hain was with his and had seniority we rode to a foot soldier camp newly established Daron had asked us to see how effective shield walls would be with the new training, Rexus I said, can our foot soldiers do any better against horses, yes Lord I've seen this style before and was one of its big supporters Lord in this form spears longer than normal hold the horsemen back while Javelin are past and thrown from the second line then the third line hold their shields higher to stop the arrows, its very affective, we rode over a hill and saw the camp, it had a trench and earth mound around it with sharpened stakes it's size was enormous, didn't you say one hundred men to a section there must be over ten thousand here, over that Sir with the staff, we rode inside leaving our troops out side, commander Devin prest his fist to his shoulder, Lord Raiden would you like some tea or food first or straight to the demonstration, thank you commander I wish to see the men first, he led us out a side entrance where two sections of foot soldiers faced forward they were impressive to see Devin put them through drill after drill as troops of horse charged and shot at them, I was impressed with the speed of their heavy shields every man moved in unison as if it was made of paper, we rode out the next day happy after Devin told me all soldiers who Finnish their shield training stay with the brothers as his sections where known, Im happy with that so Daron I hope your artillery teams can match it.

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