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The air is tense, nobody says a word. Just chewing their foods quietly, everyone looks to to their food not bothering to start a conversation, but the truth was that nobody knows what to say.

"Adam how have you been?" My grandma voice echoes through our quiet dinning room. I'm immediately jealous of Kairo and Chelsea, they were having their dinner in a separate room from us. I lift my head to look at my grandma, she is watching me with her cold blue eyes. I know most people say that their grandma's are nice, soft and warm then it will be a slap on the face when you meet Mikayla McClain. She is as cold as Antarctica. Nothing ever touched or moved and I'm very weary of her.

I clear my throat softly, carrying my glass of water, I take a sip before answering her, "I have been good, grandma."

She raises her brow like she doesn't believe me, and her gaze sweeping my appearance and I'm really conscious of how I look. My grandma's gaze will do that to you, she knows to make one feels small. I don't look bad per se, my hair looks ruffled, hair sticking everywhere, it is really my fault though, I ran my hand several times through it before coming for dinner and I had forgotten to brush it again. There are bags underneath my eyes and they're very noticeable. I haven't been sleeping well.

"You don't look put together," she finally says.

As I move to talk, Mari jumps in on the conversation, "Grandma when did you start caring about appearance." She sounds very haughty, which is her tone anytime she is involved in a conversation with dad or Grandma. She couldn't stand both of them. I don't blame her, I feel the same way but I know how to handle them better.

"Marianna," dad warns her.

"Thank God we are already talking," Mari says sarcastically. Sometimes I think my elder sister never left her 20s, especially her early 20s. She behaves like it most times.

Dad glares at her and she glares back, they both hate each other. Dad resents her for not taking over as the company's CEO and having Chelsea in a complicated situation. And she resents dad for so many things, I think most stems from him not visiting mum, when she was so sick. I also resent him for that but I have learnt to hide it better than Mari.

"For once don't be a child," he bites.

"Oh a child," she laughs sarcastically. "Have you forgotten I am a mother? One of your biggest resentments," she says smirking slightly.

"Yes like I'll ever forget that," he retorts, glaring harder at her.

"Ok. That's enough, both of you. And," Grandma cuts in turning to Mari. "Mari I was talking to your brother," she says daring her to interrupt her again but Mari knows better glaring at our father. Grandma turns her gaze back to me. "You haven't been sleeping well."

I take another long sip of my water before setting it down on the table. "Yes grandma."

She looks confused as to why I haven't been able to sleep and voices it. "Why? You're a billionaire. What in the world could be stopping you from sleeping?"

An image. A very clear image goes through my head. Gbemi on my bed, her chest moving up and down and her body writhing as I fingered her tight little cunt,she was begging me not to stop. Just that thought alone makes me hard. I shift on my chair, clearing my throat and my skin flushed. I thank God for the dim lightening in the dinning room. "Nothing grandma. Just work stuff."

"Is everything alright at the office? We've been making profit. We're currently one of the best construction companies now in the States," dad says proudly. I'm pretty sure not of me but of his company. Yeah I just inherited a company my father built from ground up.

Shit. Sometimes I forget dad still gets information on the company. "Just a new project, dad." I add to my lie, hoping they believed me and just let it go.

Thankfully they do, the dinning room returns back to the quiet setting, nobody having mush to say. When it is time for deserts I excuse myself already exhausted. I just hope the three of them will not do something stupid.

I walk up to the bed room, needing alone time. I walk past Chelsea's room, I hear she and Kairo taking about their Christmas gift and what they were expecting. I had gotten a video game for Kairo, one of the lastest editions that wasn't even out yet. And I got Chelsea, a makeup kit, she wouldn't stop asking about. I know they are always hyped for Christmas because of the gifts. And no matter how struct my grandma and dad are to them. I know they love them and spoil them every year with gifts.

I enter my bedroom, immediately tugging my jacket off. I slump on my bed, closing my eyes. I'm attacked with images of Gbemi, naked on my bed. I groan in frustration. I couldn't stop thinking of her, she has my waking thoughts. Hell she woke me up from sleep with those moans and purrs. I have had wet dreams for her. I couldn't believe I am having wet dreams like a 14 years old having seen a woman's breast.

But most mornings since we've had sex, I wake up to a very hard dick and I have to wank off with a very cold shower. It's becoming not funny that I can't get her off my brain. I don't even regret hanging sex with her, it was one of the best moments in life and I don't have hope of us ever having a redo, that's probably why I can't stop thinking of it.

I sit up on my bed as my door gets pushed open, my grandma's cat Queen walks in majestically, looking down at me before waking out. She is just like any other cat, rude and think they are better than humans but she is really the worst. I hate her. Growing up she always used my closet as her litterbox and gave birth twice there. She also bit me when I was seven, scarring me for life.

My door pushed open gain but this time it is Kairo with his tablet. "Dad, you need to buy me this new sneakers," he tells me showing me the sneakers. It looks very familiar to the one I bought for him last year.

"You have this exact same sneakers at home, Kairo." I say, my lip pressed in a thin line.

He sucks in his lower lips and looks sheepishly at me. "I mistakenly put it in paint."

"Why?" I ask incredulously.

"It was a class project and I wanted to see if what they had written in the sneaker was true," he defends himself.

"What was it that was on the packet?"

"The produces wrote it could dropped in paint," he tells me heatedly. "If anything it's the producers fault."

I raise my brow at him, I chuckle internally at his behaviour. "Really? Not your curiosity?"

He smiles revealing his dimples, he looks like me so much and I'm not going to lie I love it. "Please daddy I need it."

I sigh like he has begged for long. I'd have bought it anyway. "Ok but make sure not to dip it in paint again Kairo." He hugs me, thanking me and runs out of my room, slamming the door, shouting something to Chelsea. She dared him, it seems. I shake my head.

Hey guys,
It's been a while.
I can't lie I have been busy like crazy, I just finished my exams on Monday.
I'm really sorry for leaving everyone hanging and I promise to update during my holidays and even when I resume.
Please forgive me for not updating.
School life has been hectic.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Love you all for keeping up with the story even after two months hiatus.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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