7 Days

31 2 0

TW: Conflict, Swearing, Blood

- CONTINUE, "Great, so another week on our visas," She stated nonchalantly as if it was common knowledge.

"Visas?" I question, trying to get an answer out of her. "Like passport-type visas?"

"No, no," she chuckled, removing her sunglasses, which she surprisingly still had and placing them in her pocket. "Visas are the number of days before we have to complete another game, or we die."

I looked at her in confusion, "So.. we can die outside of the games as well?" She nodded.

"Check out on your phone. It should still have your ID on it." She leaned over.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket. Honestly, I was shocked that my phone didn't have any scratches or marks on it. I clicked on it and lit up with a home screen. There were two icons in the upper left corner, 'Game' and 'Visa'. Along the bottom, it also seemed to have some sort of information button, a clock icon, a settings icon, and a camera.

"There in the corner." She pointed at an icon that simply said 'Visa'. I pressed it, and another screen lit up. 'Player 1000347, you now have seven days on your visa.'

"I guess you got in the game just in time. Otherwise, you would've been killed." She sighed.

"Me, Killed?" I chuckle. "I'm not the type of person that would die that easily." I say with a slight smile.

Her face seems annoyed how I act so self-absorbed.

"So.. the number of the game correlates to the number of days the visa extends by?" I try not to pry as it seemed as I made her mad. I get really confused when it comes towards things like this. I then left myself from pondering and tried to listen to her.

"It also correlates to the difficulty of the game. Though that's subjective, I've been in fours or fives harder than this."

"So what does the suit mean? If the number has a meaning, then so does the suit, but what is it?"

She nodded. "The suit correlates to the -"

Just then, more rumbling sounds ran out
from beneath them as the whole building started to tilt forward. It seemed to be collasping under its own weight. With me and Ann going down with it.

"Shit! Hold on!" I yelled.

Instantaneously, everything faded into a tint of black, and the sound of my heart pumping was slowing down until it stopped...

I peeled open my eyes with hazy breaths. For a second, nothing felt real, and I was dazed.

After a few blinks, I felt the tingle at the back of my throat as I coughed to get rid of it. Everything smelt like smoke, and my body wouldn't move.

I was trapped.

I was lying there for what felt like hours before I finally worked up enough of a conscience to try and sit up.

I pushed up on my shaking elbows as a ping of pain shot through my upper body. But everything else was numb. I soon found out why. Looking down, I noticed the large slab of stone crushing the lower part of my body.

I just sat, breathing heavily, my head still spinning, even though I felt no pain towards my head. Eventually, I was able to push myself into an upright position. I was in and surrounded by a small mound of rubble, far away from the main mass of the building.

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