33 2 0

TW: Conflict, Flames

Deciding to use my time wisely, I surveyed my surroundings and observed the other people.

There was a smaller teenage girl following around a little boy, whom I could only assume was some sort of younger brother.

There was a woman with black hair, bold red lipstick and a seemingly resting poker face, though the strangest part of it was that she wore shades even though we were indoors.

There was a muddy and dishevelled-looking boy about my age, though possibly older.

Two cocky and rude looking businessmen chatted amongst themselves, looking at the rest of us with a dirty look.

And there was a high-school girl who looked confused and scared, sticking to huddling in a corner.

A varied bunch, so I could assume I wasn't here based on my physical or mental attributes. Looking down the halls of the hospital, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, other than the abandoned state of them, of course, I was puzzled about what the game might be about using our speed or teamwork..

Looking back towards the group, I noticed that the little brother had left the side of his big sister and was reaching on his tippy toes, trying to reach a toy train, seemingly left behing by one of the hospital's patients.

As I approached to get the toy down for him, he noticed my presence and turned around startled before running back to the side of his sister, watching me closely.

Carefully, I reached up to the shelf, wrapping my hands around the toy and I moved it down to the bottom shelf so he could reach better before walking away.

The second I resumed my original stance, leaning against the pillar, he ran over and took the toy from it's place.

I looked back down at the screen just in time to see it reach zero and be replaced by another picture.



8 of Spades

Game: Fire Drill

Rules: Players have 60 minutes to reach the roof of the hospital.

Win Conditions:

Activate The Sprinklers


"Well, isn't that vague," the lipstick girl spoke, "it's a Spades game, so there's no point in us working against each other."
"For now," I replied whilst smirking, "The numbers represent how difficult the game is, am I correct?"
"Yes," she answered and sighed, "But, how do you know that, isn't this your first game."
"Just wondered it might be that" I answer with a blank face.

The girl with sunglasses looked back down at her phone screen. Before silently walking off, the clicking of her heels breaking the silence.

I looked back down at my phone as well, the same rules still presenting themselves on my screen, but there was now a sixty-minute timer underneath. The funny thing was, it hadn't even started yet.

Sprinklers on the roof, I thought to myself. The game was called Fire Exit, so maybe it was a race. It hadn't stated how many winners there can be so we can all make it out alive.

Slowly, I walk towards the fire exit door. It should have stairs from the ground floor to the roof but since it had quite a high difficulty to the game maybe this is a trick. So I stood away from it walking backwards foot by foot and waited for someone else to try and open it.

After waiting a bit, the high-school girl came over and tried to push down the handle as it clicked in place but didnt budge, she then opened it roughly and closed her eyes and ran in screaming. She fell on to the floor as it blew open and scorching flames burst into the room. I wanted to help but I barely knew her and if she dies then it doesn't matter to me.

Within seconds, the fire had started spreading across the walls, the stairs a tapestry of flames.

A distant sound then mumbled but then it got more clear.

Time starts now

Then, the second businessmen started panicking and grabbed the fire extinguisher beside the door. He turned to the fire, blasting it as a white fog spread through the room.

The mix of that and the smoke from the fire easily made everyone lightheaded. Yet, the fire hadn't halted, seemingly unaffected as it continued to spread forward.

Sweat rolled down my forehead as the heat of the fire licked the air.

"Everyone through here!" the girl with lipstick shouted, holding the door open, the adrenaline numbing me. I walked calmly inside whilst everyone rushed into the stairwell and I pushed the door closed behind us as the whole lobby was engulfed into a sea of flames.

The fire spread faster than I expected..

A girl started limping towards the group with half of her body burnt and she screamed whilst in excruciating pain "THE FIRE SPREADED TO FAST. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Please, I want to live. Please. I don't want to die." she cried.
"It's the Borderlands. Nothing is normal." the girl with the lipstick replied nonchalantly, as she removes her sunglasses and placing them in the chest pocket of her shirt, which was tied up around her middle exposing her stomach.
The school girl then wipes her teary eyes and answers with questions spilling in her mind.

The Borderlands? What the hell are the Borderlands?

"You'll see." someone mumbles.

Part 4? To be continued...
~ 908 words

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