Chapter 1 - Intruders!

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Emily had spent all week in her room, thinking about that one dream that she had. The one with Cedric, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Colin, Noah, Cleo, Lily, James, Sirius and all of those others. She understood what it meant now. These people where either going to die, or were already dead... Emily had told herself one thing, if she could do anything to save them, she would.

All of a sudden, she heard voices downstairs. Intruders! She quietly ran down the stairs, careful not to make a sound. "We should get rid of that blasted house elf! What's his name again... Kreacher!" a voice exclaimed.

"We can't! He already knows about the order, and he can bring death eaters here. Anyway, he already heard us talk about the Order of the phoenix headquarters going to be here!" another said. Emily frowned. Did they really think that Kreacher would do such a thing? House-elf are delicate creatures, they treat you like you treat them. Emily guessed that they probably didn't treat Kreacher very well. And what in the bloody name of Merlin was the order of the phoenix?

She stepped out where the intruders could see her. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" The adults stopped talking and turned around, only to find a teenage girl standing in the doorway. "Let's see, we have Dumbleedoree! Lovely!" Emily exclaimed sarcastically. The headmaster scowled. "And Mr Black," she fake gagged while saying his name, and he frowned. He had done nothing to her – at least, he didn't remember doing anything. "And Mr and Mrs Weasley. How nice of you to come and visit me!" Emily said, sarcasm and annoyance strained in her voice.

"What are you doing here? This house belongs to the house of black! That means that it belongs to..." Sirius couldn't finish his sentence because Emily cut him off.

" me. I'm the heir. Thank you very much for that unnecessary explanation because I already knew that." Emily said sarcastically. Sirius frowned. Regulus didn't have a daughter, did he? Emily scoffed. He didn't know! "You don't know! You are such an idiot!" she shouted, "I'm your daughter, Emily August Black, of the most ancient house of Black." Emily recited. Sirius looked dumbfounded.

"I – I had a daughter?!" he asked. Emily was offended.

Mrs Weasley scoffed. "Sirius! You are not telling me that you didn't know that you had a daughter? Even we knew that!" she exclaimed.

"He could have known since 3rd year, when I went with Potter, Weasley and Granger to the shrieking shack, but her tossed me aside like I was trash, thinking that I was Malfoy and a stinking Slytherin." she gagged. "Even Dumbleedoree here knew that, and last year, this headmaster - who is supposed to protect his students - tried to kill me." Molly Weasley stared at Dumbledore.

"Albus, please tell me that this girl is lying!" Molly said, and Dumbledore gulped.

"O-of course she is lying, w-w-who would trust her? She is as u-unstable as a stone on a twig!" he exclaimed, and Emily fought the urge to punch his nose, probably breaking it then for the third time.

Molly saw straight through that lie. "Albus, how could you!" she scolded the old man, and then pulled Emily in for a hug. Emily stiffened in her touch. She had never really felt a warm embrace of a mother after, well, after her mother died 14 years ago.

Emily didn't know what to do, so she just stood there awkwardly until Molly let go. "Erm. I'm going to get some food." Emily said awkwardly, and quickly left for the kitchen to get some food.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, not really hungry for more food. Emily had grown quite thin over the past week, not really eating anything. She took a bite out of the apple, and then decided to cut it in pieces and put some cinnamon on it. Emily put it in a bowl and started eating.

After 5 minutes it was done, and she decided to go for a walk. Out on the pavement, into the park, she spent 15 minutes just walking round, not seeing anyone. Then someone approached her. A wizard. He grabbed his wand and started shooting spells at her. Emily snatched her wand from her coat pocket and they started dueling, but eventually a muggle came, and Emily ran for her life. The death eater followed, and being bigger than her, he ran faster. Emily made a quick turn, but the man realised what she was going to do, so he grabbed her wrist before she ran away, and disapparated.

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