No Surprise

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The Next Morning

Laianna's breath hitched as she tightened her grip on the bed sheets, her moans escaping in a symphony of ecstasy. "Oh Rafe, come here," she urged, her voice dripping with desire as she pulled him closer for a passionate kiss. He responded with fervor, his movements intense as he pleasured her. Her legs trembled as they spread wide, surrendering to the overwhelming sensation coursing through her body. Rafe held her ankles firmly, driving deeper and deeper into her, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through her being.

With a low moan, Rafe uttered, "Baby, I'm coming... Fuck," his voice thick with desire as he reached the peak of his passion. Laianna felt the intensity building within her, her body responding eagerly to his touch. As Rafe's release washed over him, she too reached her climax, her moans echoing in the room as pleasure consumed her entirely.

As the waves of pleasure subsided, they both lay on their backs, their chests rising and falling with each labored breath. "You always know how to satisfy me, Lai," Rafe whispered, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. Laianna chuckled softly in response, feeling a warm glow of contentment enveloping her.

With a playful smile, she rose from the bed and began to gather her clothes, her movements fluid and graceful. "Well, I suppose I should thank you for that," she quipped, slipping into her attire. "Come on, Rafe. We can't keep your family waiting for brunch."

Rafe followed suit, dressing quickly as he listened to Laianna's words. "You're really going to that?" he asked incredulously, a hint of surprise in his voice. Laianna nodded firmly, her expression determined. "Yes, Rafe. Sarah invited me, and she's my best friend," she replied, her tone leaving no room for argument.

A soft chuckle escaped Rafe's lips as he zipped up his jacket. "Ah, fair enough. But does she ever mention us?" he inquired, curiosity coloring his words. Laianna shook her head with a laugh. "No, I doubt it. Come on, let's not keep them waiting any longer."

They slipped on their shoes and made their way to Laianna's car, the anticipation of brunch with Rafe's family lingering in the air as they drove to the restaurant.

As the lively banter filled the air, Rafe's family members directed their attention to Laianna, eager to engage her in conversation.

"Tell us, Laianna, how did you and Rafe meet?" Rafe's grandmother inquired with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"We've been dying to hear all about you, dear," Rose added, nodding encouragingly.

As the lively banter filled the air, Rafe's family members directed their attention to Laianna, eager to engage her in conversation.

"Tell us, Laianna, how did you and Rafe meet?" Rafe's grandmother inquired with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"We've been dying to hear all about you, dear," Rafe's mother added, nodding encouragingly.

Laianna chuckled, feeling a surge of warmth at their genuine interest. "Well, it's quite the story, actually. We met at a mutual friend's party, and from there, things just clicked," she explained, her words punctuated by nods of understanding from the family.

As their food arrived, excitement rippled through the group, anticipation evident on each face. But amidst the cheerful chatter, Laianna's gaze fell upon one of the servers, and her heart sank as she recognized JJ.

Rafe's sharp intake of breath drew her attention, and she could see the tension building in his frame as he eyed JJ. Panic threatened to overtake her, fearing another confrontation, but to her relief, JJ and the other server swiftly completed their task and departed without incident.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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