Cliffhanger Broken

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Breaking cliffhanger cus @gukfiqs asked me to...

Life's at it's peak best for Y/n...happy brothers, her grades good, and a caring friend; Although the brothers had started to love Y/n and adore her, she still preferred to stay with So-ra. But then one fine day..

(So idk if you will be comfortable with this chapter so I'm using Ash as Y/n here)

Ash? *So-ra asks* Are you sleeping babygirl?

Ash: No Sora- WAIT...Did my ears hear that right? You called my babygirl?

"Yes darlin" *So-ra answers as she walks up to Ash and lies next to her on the bed* I did infact, call you my babygirl, and mine only.

Ash: So you're Lesbian?

So-ra: Ever since I met you and I had been protective of you for a reason yk...I love you and thought that today was the best day to confess to you, yk.

Ash: Ilyandyouaremineyouarenowmineandiamnowyours

So-ra: Well I wasn't able to understand what you said except "I love you" and 
that you're now mine and I'm now yours *Says So-ra while her face inches towards Ash's face* May I? *She asked*

*Ash's lips touch So-ra's and they both are now kissing each other, the soft kisses are now turning a bit rough and looks like they both now are feeling a bit turned on*

*They bury themselves under the blanket and Ash starts to kiss So-ra's neck while So-ra moans out Ash name as if it was a chant* 

*They end up doing unimaginable things throughout the night and were both naked after it ended*

So-ra: You're amazing Ash *she says while panting heavily* but when will these neck markings (ik what they are called) heal, cus these are strong..But yk I love you and let's just say that you're now mine...


Abused BTS ffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt