Salt in the Wound

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     The countryside passes by through the window in large blurs of color

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The countryside passes by through the window in large blurs of color. Carver sits on the couch under the window in the dining car of the train. She has a plate of fruit and yogurt with granola. She pops the sweet honeydew into her mouth as she watches Eloise and Effie fawn over the upcoming tour destinations.

Finnick leans on the wall on the opposite side of the train car, watching Carver's facial expressions carefully. He notices her poking at her food while occasionally eating some of it. He knows she's upset, but doesn't feel that his prying questions will make her feel better.

"Fabulous food! Fabulous wine! Massages! Spa treatments!" Effie lists off with excitement. "We said nothing but the best for our three Victors." She says, grasping Eloise's hand. "It all has to be just…" She trails off, trying to find the right word.

"Fabulous." Haymitch growls, not looking up from his plate and glass of scotch.

"Exactly!" Eloise exclaims for her sister. "Now, the schedule's a bit of a killer– twelve days, twelve Districts. But... it's all parties, celebrations, and adoring fans to greet you at every stop! Then we wrap it up in the Capitol!" She explains, turning her head to address Peeta, Katniss, and Carver.

Carver knows all about parties and celebrations within the Capitol. The fuss of it is truly blown out of proportion as most of the time it is just primped up elitists trying to force themselves into the life of the most famous individual at the time. It's exhausting, and if she hates it, she knows both Katniss and Peeta are going to feel similarly. Sadly, it's all part of the process of the now never ending train that is their life.

Effie continues, "All you need to do is give a teensy little speech, wave to the crowds, and then sit back and enjoy your time in the spotlight. After all, you've earned it."

At that last sentence Carver cringes. She knows Effie doesn't mean anything negative by the sentiment, but by the look on Katniss's face, the message was clearly misconstrued. The last thing someone should say to a Victor of the games is that they've earned their success. Most people who have survived such a monstrous thing hate themselves for what they did, so hearing that they deserve it is offsetting.

"What did you say?" Katniss narrows her eyes.

Carver sighs, trying to come to the escorts defense, "Katniss–"

She is swiftly cut off by the younger girl holding up a hand to quiet her. Effie deflates, knowing Katniss is going to react poorly. "I said enjoy your time in the spotlight. You've earned it." She reiterates.

"By killing people." She reminds them with a disgusted look on her face. She rises from the table, anger evident on her face as she storms out of the car, leaving the table shocked.

"Young lady–" Effie tries to stop her but quickly retracts her attempt. "Poor thing is just exhausted." She tries to justify.

"She's not exhausted." Carver denies. "She's pissed, and rightfully so." She says, coming to Katniss's defense. "We're being told to celebrate the fact that our fame and riches are built on the backs of dead children. It's vile. It's easy for everyone to tell us to enjoy it when they didn't have to spill innocent blood to get it." She calmly throws a strawberry in her mouth before standing up as well. "I understand what you meant Effie, but it wasn't the best way to get her settled in." She turns on her heel and heads for the door, "I'll go talk to her."

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