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"You aren't leaving with him, Yeji, and that's final."

Yeji laughed mirthlessly. She reached the bottom of the staircase, stopped and said, "And who's going to stop me?"

It had been a few days since the Yeji had agreed to become consigliere for Kai. Yeji had been preparing for the move to her new apartment. True to his word, Seokwoo got her a loft downtown. It was nice place — cozy, almost — from what she had seen.

He had sent her the address and sent Kai over to help her move. She hadn't bothered to tell her family that she was moving. Her parents would throw a fit, not because they would miss her, but because they would see that Kai was collecting her. His mischievous face didn't sit right with them, apparently.

They were worried she'd end up in jail again by mixing with his crowd. "Mafia thugs" were their exact words. Yeji needed an escape route so she used the easiest one.

"Y'know, just because he's Italian doesn't mean he's part of the Mafia." Yeji said as she plopped herself down onto the staircase to tie her shoelaces.

"I'm not being racist, Yeji," Seulgi said, stammering slightly, "Everyone knows his family is one of them."

This was partially true. Everyone with good taste has watched the Godfather so they know about the Mafia — or at least parts of it. But this did stir up animosity between the Italians and everyone else living in New York. It got to the point where if you even mentioned the name Lee, you'd have FBI knocking down your door.

This was cleared up once Uncle Junho became Don Lee. He put his family into another Golden Age when he was young. Nowadays, anyone calling someone part of the Mafia was considered a bigot, even if they had evidence.

"Keep talking 'Ma, I'm sure someone will listen to you." Yeji rolled her eyes and her hands worked meticulously on her laces.

She knew she was acting like a brat. A twenty-two year old shouldn't be bickering with her parents like a pre-teen. But could you blame her when her parents wanted to take away her autonomy? She was a grown woman for God's sake, she'd do what she liked!

"Hwang Yeji!" Minho roared at his daughter, "Don't you dare talk to your mother like that!"

Yeji scoffed and rose to her full height. She glowered down at her parents, saying, "I'll talk to you two however I wish to, so long as you act like brats instead of adults."

"Yeji, I forbid you—" Seulgi began, red in the face, but Yeji cut her off.

"Enough!" Yeji snarled.

She closed her eyes, exhaled and tried to calm down. When she could trust herself not to explode, she said, "I'm leaving right now — with or without your consent."

Minho stepped towards her, saying, "If you set foot outside, this will be the last time you come under our roof!"

Some part of her wanted to believe they were doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. That they didn't want to see their daughter get hurt. But she knew well and good that they only care about what the neighbours would think.

For this reason, Yeji let out a mirthless bark of laughter and snarled, "Our roof? Need I remind you that this house is owned by me? I bought this house with my own money, and it's in my name. If anything, I could kick you out of this house."

"You would never." Seulgi said, appalled.

A dark look passed over Yeji face as she said, "If you go through with your threat, I promise you I will."

There was a tense few moments before Seulgi threw her hands up, saying, "Fine, Yeji, go with him!"

Yeji smirked and moved away from her parents, over to where all of her boxes were packed. She passed by the staircase where her siblings were sitting. They were watching on silently, not sure what to do. Yeji hated it when they saw her fighting with their parents.

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