Lionel let out an exhale. "Jesus Christ, Dilla, how do you do that?"

Dilla's expression didn't change as she shrugged. "I don't know. You guys just don't pay enough attention to your surroundings."

"No, I think you have teleportation powers or something, because you were definitely not sitting there before," I joked, attempting to get over two jumpscares in a row.

"Maybe I do. But you wouldn't know, would you?"

"You'd be right there."

"When'd you two get here?" Lionel asked the two newcomers.

"Not long ago," Alexis said, "We just came from the parking lot. Saw you guys talking, so obviously I had to disrupt the peace, Y'know?"

"I thought a policewoman's job was to keep the peace?" I said with a laugh.

Alexis smirked. "You see a uniform?"

"Guess not."


Lionel took out his phone, glancing at the time on the lock screen as it turned on.

"Nearly half past eight already? Dammit. Guess I got distracted." Lionel stood up from his seat. "If you'll excuse me, I have something I need to get to. Have any of you seen Milo anywhere?"

As if he'd heard his name, two children came around one of the corners of the house, running and yelling at each other. They seemed to be playing tag or something along those lines. The one in front, wearing a simple black t-shirt and grey shorts, kept running at a good pace, sometimes turning around to playfully tease the child behind him. That one, wearing a green hoodie and denim overalls, seemed a bit winded, but was laughing, too.

Eventually the overalls kid tripped, falling to the ground. His companion almost immediately noticed, running to his aid. The kid seemed alright, though, as he was laughing as he got up to his hands and knees.

Lionel, who briefly shook his head and muttered something under his breath, shouted out,


The overalls kid looked over from his friend, seeing Lionel. Lionel jerked his head in the direction of his house, signaling for Milo to come along with him. Milo seemed to be sad for a moment before bidding farewell to his friend and running over to Lionel. Lionel didn't wait for him as he walked away from our group, and Milo quickly followed.

His friend, seeming disappointed, also quickly vanished into one of the houses. Noah never really stuck around outside unless he was with Milo. Just a teenager thing, I guess.

"Wonder what he's up to?" Dilla mumbled audibly, staring after Lionel and Milo.

"Oh, I'm sure Lionel has some project he's working on and needs Milo's help," I replied with a shrug. "He does like keeping a schedule for things. This is probably work time or something for him."

"I'd say that too," Alexis agreed.

Dilla said nothing, only stared after Lionel and Milo a moment more before turning back to the conversation she really wasn't being a part of.

"Hey, Dilla, wanna go see Malachi and Tyson?" Alexis said to her friend. She gave me a smug grin. "Maybe we can get as much of a reaction as we got from Blake here."

"Alright, I get it, you got me, let it go," I teased, rolling my eyes again.

"Nope. Never."

"I guess we can go see them," Dilla said, nodding slightly at Alexis. She turned to me. "That is, if Blake has nothing else to say."

No Turning Back [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now