"Wait you were going to come back?" Branch asked

"Of course branch. I meant to come back. I never realized it would take me this long to return. Anyways I soon found myself at mount rageous."


Floyd stepped into Mount rageous he walked around, everything was huge. He took a deep breath. This was it the last place where he would perform. He just needed to find a stage and there he would perform. Now where was the stage. Floyd sighed well time to start exploring.

Floyd walked around he constantly had to duck and dodge to avoid being stepped on.

His stomach growled and Floyd sighed. Well maybe he should find something to eat and a place to rest.

As he walked he saw two teens talking. Maybe they could tell him where he could find a place to rest for the night and where he could grab a bite to eat.

"Um.. excuse me..."

The teens stopped and looked around.

"Um...down..down here."

They looked down to see Floyd.

Floyd smiled. "HI um.. sorry to bother you. But I really would like to know where I could find a place to rest and where I could find a bite to eat."

"Sure thing lil guy." Veneer said.

But just then velvet said. "You look like the sensitive one from brozone... wait a minute...." She got a closer look at him her eyes widened. "You are the sensitive one. Yep it's you alright. What are you doing here?" Velvet asked.

"Well I'm actually ending my solo carrer with a final song after that I plan on returning home to..." Floyd froze. Maybe he should not tell them where his home was.

"Anyways I don't know where the stage Is to perform and right now I need to find a place to rest for the night and something to eat."

Veneer then said. "Maybe you could spend the night in our apartment. It's not much but. It's got a bed. And I'm sure I can make you a small bed, and our fridge had food. But I'm sure that I can make you something to eat."

"Thanks, I'd really appreciate it. Oh but I don't know how I can repay you for...."

Velvet I trusted him. "I have an idea. See my brother and I want to be famous singers except there's a problem...."

"We sound awful." Veneer said.

Velvet scowled at veneer.

"Yes well anyways since you were in a famous band, you can help us improve our singing. And in return we will take you to the rage dome where you can perform your song, and we can start our careers. Deal?" She held out her finger.

Floyd smiled and shook it. "It's a deal." He said.

Veneer picked up floyd. And placed him on his shoulder as he and velvet headed to their apartment. Velvet opened the door.

Veneer walked into the kitchen. He smiled and opened the fridge. He held his hand in front of the fridge.

"OK so we got some pasta, macaroni, hot dogs, sandwich meat, some microwavable pizza. What would you like to eat?"

Floyd had his eyes on only one thing.

"Hot dogs sound amazing."

Veneer chuckled. He took out a hot dog and broke a peice off and microwaved it.

He broke off a piece of hot dog bun and placed the hot dog in the bun.

"Would you like ketchup,or mustard?"

Floyd looked thoughtful. " is both ok?"

Veneer smiled he reached for the condiments then gasped. "I forgot to introduce myself.

My names Veneer and that's my sister velvet."

Floyd smiled. "I'm Floyd."

Veneer carefully squirmed ketchup and mustard onto the hot dog and gave it to floyd. Who hungrily ate it.

"Mmm. This is the best hot dog I've ever eaten." Within minutes the g

Hotdog had been eaten.

Veneer smiled."stil hungry?"

Floyd shook his head.

"OK now I can start giving you guys singing lessons. It may take a while but I'm sure that if you..."

"Yeah sure." Velvet said rudely.

Floyd then yawned. Veneer smiled and carried Floyd to the bedroom. Floyd hopped onto a spare pillow and lay down, he curled up, his eyes closed.

Veneer gently smiled."I'm going to try to make you a bed Floyd ok?" Floyd yawned. "Ok." He said.

Minutes later he felt something gently pick him up, Floyd sleepily opened his eyes, Veneer placed him on a small soft bed he had made .

Floyd yawned as he snuggled under the blanket. "Thanks Veneer. This bed is super comfy." His eyes closed as he yawned and fell asleep.

Veneer smiled."good night floyd." He said.

The Return of velvet.Where stories live. Discover now