Lesson Two ~ Learning

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The simplest way to freedom, learning. That may sound stupid but it's true, allow me to demonstrate.

Learning to love yourself

Learning to accept hard truths

Learning to put the bottle down

Learning from people you idolize

Learning from your past

Learning about yourself

Learning medication doesn't solve all your problems

Learning relationships won't make your "stronger" or happier

Let's kick this off with the second 'L' in 'LLL' (Live, Learn, Let Go' out of all of these I will go down the list if a certain one catches your eye feel free to go to that "learning" page :)

Learning To Love Yourself

I feel this is the hardest lesson, the only thing I can give is advice whether you would like to take it or not is completely up to you.

1 - Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational quotes are a good way to help yourself feel confident, finding quotes that really hit home such as "today might not be a good day, but there's always tomorrow" or "fake it till you make it" are things that can help, setting it as a lockscreen or hanging it on your walls somewhere where it's seen can really help boost confidence and praise you for being YOU.

2 - Vacations
Sometimes you just need a break, having bad days is okay but you have to remember to have good days too! Such as taking a trip to the beach, or visiting another state, or going to a friends house for a few days, isolating yourself and having as some would say "all work and no play" is unhealthy and can really lower your spirits.

3 - Therapy
I know when people hear Therapy they think it's for people only with mental health issues/serious issues but it can truly help, being able to talk to someone can really help you grow and learn more positive ways to love yourself.

4 - Ignoring The Negative Comments
People who post negative things/say negative things should be ignored, you look amazing, sound amazing, etc. and people who attempt to bring you down are people who are quite unhappy with their lifes <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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