"We – you know what forget it, I know I can't convince you to come live with us, so I'll just change the subject." Hitoshi says sighing knowing he most definitely cannot change his best friend's mind. Izuku who had gone back to looking at his computer looks back up to Hitoshi. "Thx Toshi." Izuku replies with. Hitoshi nods and they both sit in silence for a little while. It isn't awkward silence it is comfortable silence. The two of them are just happy being near each other and don't need to talk to keep liking being in each other's company.

"Why are we even watching these two brats? Like come on, can't we watch something that is of value instead of this stupid shit?" Shigaraki asks annoyed with all of this. Shadow sighs and turns her attention to Shigaraki. She inhales sharply indicating that she isn't happy with him. Everyone knows not to get on Shadow's bad side. But of course, Shigaraki just had to go and get on her bad side and now he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. "If you watch then you will see something very important, and before any of you ask yes this is your au" Shadow says her voice laced with anger. The revelation that this is their au doesn't sit well with anyone, well Izuku is fine he knew this was their au.

"Soo, whatcha lookin at?" Hitoshi asks. Izuku looks at him once again. "I am trying to figure out when Sensei is going out for patrol, cause ya know he is only going out for a few hours now instead of most of the night while he recovers." Izuku replies with and Hitoshi nods. "Oh, yeah he goes out at 12am now and goes out till 3am." Hitoshi says. Izuku nods.

"Why do you want to know when I go out for patrol problem child?" Aizawa asks. Izuku looks towards him. "Oh, um I just like to know when pros go out on patrol it's just an interest nothing really important or something that you need to be worried about" Izuku replies, and he receives a nod of approval from Aizawa.

"So, I think I'm going to go out tonight, you can stay here if you want." Izuku says. Hitoshi who was looking at the ground and counting the number of holes in the carpet there were looks up at Izuku. "Be careful Izuku, I know you can look after yourself, but it is still really dangerous out there. And yes, I will stay here, I am sleeping over tonight as we have a sleepover, remember." Hitoshi replies. A look of realisation appears on Izuku's face, and he doesn't even need to say sorry as Hitoshi tells him it's fine and that he knew Izuku had forgotten.

"Why is Young Midoriya going out when it is clearly dark outside?" All might asks. "Shinso had also said that it was really dangerous out there, so he really shouldn't be going out late at night." Vlad says. The pro heroes nod in agreement at Vlad's comment. Shadow looks to them and before saying anything she swallows the bit of popcorn she had been chewing. "Alright so, I am not going to tell you why he is going out late at night because there is no reason for you to know, but what I will tell you is that Izuku is very capable of looking after himself and there is no reason for you to worry." Shadow says while thinking to herself that 'I'm not going to tell you why he is going out, as that will ruin the surprise, I have for you'. "Alright, well thank you Shadow for letting us know that he will be safe." Nedzu says as he sips his tea – Where the fuck did he get the tea – Is what most of the audience is thinking – well except for Shadow and Izuku as Izuku saw Shadow give Nedzu the tea. 'I didn't say he would be safe, but oh well, you can think what you want to I guess' Shadow thinks to herself.

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